Upcoming Event (VaultRP)
You guys are mean. D: (sits in the corner)
[Image: 1znn71s.png] ALL credits to Forceghost wuv you.
is it still a chance to get a citizen job? u know i couldnt post on forums, but i fixed it so please dont say its too late...

Name: Anakonda
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:27010139
Age (Optional): well 12
Desired Job: citizen
Why do you wish to join our Event: well i havent done good rp in ages, so i would like to get in this rp too!
Suggestions to improve the Event: well im not good at this vault rp, so good to learn about it too u know?
[Image: 28guk44.png]

Thanks to Duck for the epic sig..
also thanks for the "a great friend since 2009" really appreciate it!

How about some Reputation?
Additional RP information - The vault in question has been revealed to be a disused small Black Mesa Research Facility, which was buried underneath EvoCity in 1990, and was operation until 2024 which is when it became too outdated and the scientists left, assigned to different facilities. The security systems still partially remain, and the armour and bunker technology makes it secure enough to use as a shelter, especially thanks to the two nuclear reactors buried under the facility, which can be made operational once again. An automated diagnostic and announcement system remains activate, how it survived so long, as the year is 2180, is unknown.
I would just like to apologize in advance if I am unable to get in before the event starts. As I'm sure you're all aware, the server is generally full at this time of day. I have waited in line for about half an hour, and when I finally got in, got disconnected due to buffer overflow or whatever. I'm going to keep trying to get in, but in case I don't, just want you to know I'm trying!
Me too. Its impossible to join.
[Image: source.gif]
Name: [FL:RP] Frodo1425
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:43738519
Age (Optional):
Desired Job: Guardian/Citizen
Why do you wish to join our Event: Im a HUGE fallout fan I know the entire story about poisaden oil rig everything I replay the game all the time
Suggestions to improve the Event: Changing Vault guardian to security

DDoS... What a wonderful almost perfectly timed sad bastard.

[Image: C49CFA591801AA98BF97E07928508E6AD0A0A709]
[Image: 244s2lh.jpg]
(05-26-2012, 02:27 PM)benjanmin112 Wrote: i wanna a program to make a photo so i can make my one photo to fearless thes i have on now have i take pls help me to find one and not PhotoScape
Hate to say this guys but... Event is probably gonna get closed.

PS: I guess it's a ****head who is raging because he didn't get accepted into the event. How saaad

I mean, I believe they spent aged building this for us having fun, and then ONE freaking guy destroys it all. Funny how 1 guy can destroy it for 20 people.

Update: I'm off guys, delete me from the event for tonight. I don't believe it's gonna workout tonight.

But if event continues on another time, feel free to inform me. I'd love to participate again.

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