Inactive staff team
(08-24-2016, 04:59 PM)Baskingner Wrote:
(08-24-2016, 04:50 PM)Agorith Wrote:
(08-24-2016, 04:38 PM)Baskingner Wrote: I dont see why inactivity is a sensitive topic though. FL is, and always has "witheld" a lot of information from the playerbase.

Sure, you can keep things secret but dont be surprised if people start assuming things if literally 0 information is given to the community.

The issue here is I could inform you and explain what I meant very easily and quickly but I would be leaking information that is none of your business.
This exactly leaves certain players salty because they're not being informed of something, but it still remains to be none of your business nonetheless.

We're not at all surprised when players assume things, it happens all the time and that's fine.
We're not forcing them to assume everything they do, not every assumption has to be negative either tbf.

It is my business though, as much it is the business of other players of this community since we are all part of it.

Nope, it's absolutely none at all zippity zop of your business.
I realise how I sound right now and you probably dislike it but this is just how it is.

You could only understand if I leaked this information to you, which will never happen.
It's information the entire team agrees upon not disclosing to the public.
Why exactly you ask? The only reason we do this is to PROTECT Fearless. Because we deem it to be in FL's best interest not to share certain information.

After all that's what all of us are here for in the team, and we will continue to do so until the day this community is 100% ded.
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(08-24-2016, 05:10 PM)Agorith Wrote:
(08-24-2016, 04:59 PM)Baskingner Wrote:
(08-24-2016, 04:50 PM)Agorith Wrote:
(08-24-2016, 04:38 PM)Baskingner Wrote: I dont see why inactivity is a sensitive topic though. FL is, and always has "witheld" a lot of information from the playerbase.

Sure, you can keep things secret but dont be surprised if people start assuming things if literally 0 information is given to the community.

The issue here is I could inform you and explain what I meant very easily and quickly but I would be leaking information that is none of your business.
This exactly leaves certain players salty because they're not being informed of something, but it still remains to be none of your business nonetheless.

We're not at all surprised when players assume things, it happens all the time and that's fine.
We're not forcing them to assume everything they do, not every assumption has to be negative either tbf.

It is my business though, as much it is the business of other players of this community since we are all part of it.

Nope, it's absolutely none at all zippity zop of your business.
I realise how I sound right now and you probably dislike it but this is just how it is.

You could only understand if I leaked this information to you, which will never happen.
It's information the entire team agrees upon not disclosing to the public.
Why exactly you ask? The only reason we do this is to PROTECT Fearless. Because we deem it to be in FL's best interest.

After all that's what all of us are here for in the team, and we will continue to do so until the day this community is 100% ded.

Right, you arent protecting FL with witholding information about inactive admins, you are protecting said administrators. Thats a difference. There is absolutely no reason to withold that information. 

Dont get me wrong, i appriciate the work the team is doing, but that doesnt mean i wont give you critique when i see something i and others disagree with.
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(08-24-2016, 05:17 PM)Baskingner Wrote:
(08-24-2016, 05:10 PM)Agorith Wrote:
(08-24-2016, 04:59 PM)Baskingner Wrote:
(08-24-2016, 04:50 PM)Agorith Wrote:
(08-24-2016, 04:38 PM)Baskingner Wrote: I dont see why inactivity is a sensitive topic though. FL is, and always has "witheld" a lot of information from the playerbase.

Sure, you can keep things secret but dont be surprised if people start assuming things if literally 0 information is given to the community.

The issue here is I could inform you and explain what I meant very easily and quickly but I would be leaking information that is none of your business.
This exactly leaves certain players salty because they're not being informed of something, but it still remains to be none of your business nonetheless.

We're not at all surprised when players assume things, it happens all the time and that's fine.
We're not forcing them to assume everything they do, not every assumption has to be negative either tbf.

It is my business though, as much it is the business of other players of this community since we are all part of it.

Nope, it's absolutely none at all zippity zop of your business.
I realise how I sound right now and you probably dislike it but this is just how it is.

You could only understand if I leaked this information to you, which will never happen.
It's information the entire team agrees upon not disclosing to the public.
Why exactly you ask? The only reason we do this is to PROTECT Fearless. Because we deem it to be in FL's best interest.

After all that's what all of us are here for in the team, and we will continue to do so until the day this community is 100% ded.

Right, you arent protecting FL with witholding information about inactive admins, you are protecting said administrators. Thats a difference. There is absolutely no reason to withold that information. 

Dont get me wrong, i appriciate the work the team is doing, but that doesnt mean i wont give you critique when i see something i and others disagree with.

Don't see why theres such a big fuss about it.. I'm sure we will get to know what we need to know over time.
[Image: CYCeH3i.png]
(08-24-2016, 05:22 PM)Random Wrote:
(08-24-2016, 05:17 PM)Baskingner Wrote:
(08-24-2016, 05:10 PM)Agorith Wrote:
(08-24-2016, 04:59 PM)Baskingner Wrote:
(08-24-2016, 04:50 PM)Agorith Wrote: The issue here is I could inform you and explain what I meant very easily and quickly but I would be leaking information that is none of your business.
This exactly leaves certain players salty because they're not being informed of something, but it still remains to be none of your business nonetheless.

We're not at all surprised when players assume things, it happens all the time and that's fine.
We're not forcing them to assume everything they do, not every assumption has to be negative either tbf.

It is my business though, as much it is the business of other players of this community since we are all part of it.

Nope, it's absolutely none at all zippity zop of your business.
I realise how I sound right now and you probably dislike it but this is just how it is.

You could only understand if I leaked this information to you, which will never happen.
It's information the entire team agrees upon not disclosing to the public.
Why exactly you ask? The only reason we do this is to PROTECT Fearless. Because we deem it to be in FL's best interest.

After all that's what all of us are here for in the team, and we will continue to do so until the day this community is 100% ded.

Right, you arent protecting FL with witholding information about inactive admins, you are protecting said administrators. Thats a difference. There is absolutely no reason to withold that information. 

Dont get me wrong, i appriciate the work the team is doing, but that doesnt mean i wont give you critique when i see something i and others disagree with.

Don't see why theres such a big fuss about it.. I'm sure we will get to know what we need to know over time.

Random please.. We've both been part of this community for a while now. Lets just say that FL isnt known for how informative FL is to its playerbase.

And that is an understatement.
Obviously, not everything can be discussed with the community, but what is normally done is the team will take your ideas and suggest them to the team itself and get opinions. The reason why I personally wouldn't want to discuss shit with the community is simple. I don't want to read what every person says regarding the topic. If you think I actually read every page between 7-15 from when I went to bed to getting on the forums this morning you would be incredibly wrong.

Now onto what you said Mathias, the team should definitely keep the community updated in their personal discussions. There is no reason not to, it shows that they are actually trying to figure this problem out and what is going to be done about it.
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(08-24-2016, 04:42 PM)Immo Wrote: You cannot expect people to realise that stuff happends behind the seen, if you dont give any information. I think its time for the Staff team to realize, that they have to let the community know stuff. You guys wouldnt be here, if it wasnt for us anyway.

Quote:You guys wouldn't be here, if it wasn't for us anyway.

This quote makes me chuckle. We are 'you'. We all worked up from the 'bottom' so to speak. We were all players once. We all had FL in our best interest otherwise we wouldn't be in the position we're in now. I feel like you think that this is some sort of big conspiracy that the big, meany admins are against the player base and are only looking out for ourselves. This is obviously not the case, else literally nothing would get done. Minges would roam the server, no-one would play, rules wouldn't be enforced. If it's decided that something shouldn't be shared yet, then it won't until the time is ready. Any admin can be an ambassador for you. If anyone has suggestions about anything, you can always ask one of us to make a thread or discussion in the Office to be discussed. We're here to work with you, not against you. I hate seeing this mob mentality everyone has at times.
Kind Regards,

[Image: nw3ghiD.gif]
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(08-24-2016, 05:17 PM)Baskingner Wrote:
(08-24-2016, 05:10 PM)Agorith Wrote:
(08-24-2016, 04:59 PM)Baskingner Wrote:
(08-24-2016, 04:50 PM)Agorith Wrote:
(08-24-2016, 04:38 PM)Baskingner Wrote: I dont see why inactivity is a sensitive topic though. FL is, and always has "witheld" a lot of information from the playerbase.

Sure, you can keep things secret but dont be surprised if people start assuming things if literally 0 information is given to the community.

The issue here is I could inform you and explain what I meant very easily and quickly but I would be leaking information that is none of your business.
This exactly leaves certain players salty because they're not being informed of something, but it still remains to be none of your business nonetheless.

We're not at all surprised when players assume things, it happens all the time and that's fine.
We're not forcing them to assume everything they do, not every assumption has to be negative either tbf.

It is my business though, as much it is the business of other players of this community since we are all part of it.

Nope, it's absolutely none at all zippity zop of your business.
I realise how I sound right now and you probably dislike it but this is just how it is.

You could only understand if I leaked this information to you, which will never happen.
It's information the entire team agrees upon not disclosing to the public.
Why exactly you ask? The only reason we do this is to PROTECT Fearless. Because we deem it to be in FL's best interest.

After all that's what all of us are here for in the team, and we will continue to do so until the day this community is 100% ded.

Right, you arent protecting FL with witholding information about inactive admins, you are protecting said administrators. Thats a difference. There is absolutely no reason to withold that information. 

Dont get me wrong, i appriciate the work the team is doing, but that doesnt mean i wont give you critique when i see something i and others disagree with.

I'm not witholding information about inactive admins, I've already encouraged people to post their activity logs on FL to leave no room for error and assumptions.
Neither am I doing it to protect them, as again if everyone was to show their activity log it could clear things up without fail.

I'm witholding information relevant to the inactivity issue, but I am not at all being biased protecting my fellow members I can tell you that much.
You say there's lack of trust towards the team due to us witholding certain information and we can't expect to receive trust due to it but in reality why exactly aren't we trusted like that?
Majority in the staff team still actively work on improving Fearless and surely the fact most of us are usually actually active and help you out every single day without asking anything in return grants us the right to be trusted? 
Remember we're volunteers here and we're all here for the same reason which is to improve the community and let it move forward.
I realise some people don't like it when we claim to deserve some trust and respect, but I don't see what's wrong with me saying that really. 

Out of personal experience I can safely say I had a whole newfound level of respect once I was made part of the team.
You don't see that level of dedication and complexity from the player point of view, trust me. (shh)

Now back to the topic at hand, there are inactivity issues within the team however some are with valid reasons and others are not.
You can't just come up with an easy and quick solution for this type of issue, it is more complex than that and perhaps once again this is only something you could realise from our point of view.
But as I mentioned before members have been demoted due to inactivity in the past, even within this year.
I'm not going to hint who or when or anything of the sorts but just know that it's been done plenty overall.
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I see your points Awestruck.

Although I wouldn't say as much as a mob mentality sometimes people care that much about a community that when they see a shitty staff member who acts like a cunt they won't stand for it.

Now it's all good and well saying just PM an SA etc, but what's the point as well all know that not a thing gets done, so you take it to Soul, he says he'll talk to them, and still nothing happens.

I hate the fact certain staff members expect respect, act like a cunt, don't go banning people for staff disrespect lol.
[Image: giphy.gif]
The following 2 users Like Marty's post:
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(08-24-2016, 05:51 PM)Marty Wrote: I see your points Awestruck.

Although I wouldn't say as much as a mob mentality sometimes people care that much about a community that when they see a shitty staff member who acts like a vagina they won't stand for it.

Now it's all good and well saying just PM an SA etc, but what's the point as well all know that not a thing gets done, so you take it to Soul, he says he'll talk to them, and still nothing happens.

I hate the fact certain staff members expect respect, act like a vagina, don't go banning people for staff disrespect lol.

You need to realise when making a report like the one you mentioned and reporting it to an SA and you seeing nothing being done about it doesn't actually equal in nothing being done.
What you could do in such a situation is PM the SA requesting updates on the matter and perhaps ask how it's been handled, that is if the SA doesn't automatically update you himself.

And if I'm understanding that last bit right I'll have to disagree.
Why not ban for staff disrespect? Not like we act superior and only ban people that disrespect/insult staff.
We ban and blacklist people for disrespecting/insulting a player aswell.
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Holy shit, Holdem is still mod?
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