Ban to be shortened.
It depends on who banned that one player, but if an admin conducted a ban on them then they could have just banned for longer to start with.

And sure, exceptions may have happened, staff members make mistakes, but it's pretty standard procedure to ban for longer for repeated offenses.

If we followed what you seem to be proposing a person that was banned for CDM 5 times should receive the same punishment every time and not more than a person who committed the safe offence their first time.

Even in law people get harsher sentences for repeated offenses.
(08-12-2016, 03:43 PM)Kahjo Wrote: If you get my point, that I really would like to play on the servers when I have time before my school starts again in 4days. And that why is it a 3day ban, why not 2? And why it did not get extended immediatly but it got extended like 4h after the ban was given?

EDIT: And just saying. My last FearRP ban was 7days long..

I don't know if you saw this already as I think I typed it when you were typing. So I'll just leave this here.

Basicly I am asking for shortening it with one day. Nothing more or less.

If we could do any deal ex, that next fearrp ban that I get will be around one week or so?
Considering your last ban for FearRP was 7 days long if any deal is made then it would probably have to be at least several weeks long.

I don't wish to overrule anyone, so I'll leave this up to Racoon to decide.
I'd totally agree with you now.
Hello Kahjo.

I'd like to inform you that this is (as said Before) the 3rd time you have violated one single rule and an extention was really necessary.
3 Days is more than fair and will not be shortened.

The ban will stay and with other Words this unban request is denied.

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