What's this 'RevolutionRP'?
(12-07-2011, 01:25 AM)Vaq Wrote: http://www.schillmania.com/projects/snowstorm/

It's not your "snowcode".
It isn't indeed, but that's not where it's all about, it's about you trying to copy FL in any way possible.

Quote: Blackdog, one thing too say. Your a Canadian autistic ***, that is all.
Well, who is autistic here? I think you are by replying on such a ridicilous way.

Quote:And I made the rules, was inspired by Soulripper.
I think you was more inspired by a combination of keystrokes (Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V)

Quote:Pinkie - Your like 20, gtfo with the ponies. Grow up. But yeah, will miss you to.
Atleast he is original, which you are not.

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(12-07-2011, 01:25 AM)Vaq Wrote:
(12-07-2011, 12:03 AM)Shadow Wrote: I actually do have a problem with him taking the snow code, its easy to get, yes, but putting the same skin + the snowcode is just taking the piss with us.

Like seriously. Already two admins of him have given up with his "Community".


It's not your "snowcode". Blackdog, one thing too say. Your a Canadian autistic ***, that is all.
And I made the rules, was inspired by Soulripper.

Take this as a goodbye.
Biowulf, your so mature posting gay porn on our website. Piss off.
Nadrick - miss ya.
Faustie - still love ya
Pinkie - Your like 20, gtfo with the ponies. Grow up. But yeah, will miss you to.

And, if you thought I left because I got banned, your wrong. I've always wanted too pursue my dream, of creating a community.
Soul, nice face ya got thar' http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1734307621 Lookin' cool with yo shades.

I havn't lured any players into RevRP, they came too me.
How I remember you is,
You RDMed me and shit and derped on server then you became more "friend" we were RPing lots together I started to think you as friend.
But now you are just stupid betrayer.

Funny thing here,soul ripper can sue vaqx ass...
(12-07-2011, 04:29 AM)EGI (R.A.A.) [SEA]Kai Meiuqer Wrote: Funny thing here,soul ripper can sue vaqx ass...

I don't think Vaq has actually broken any laws. He's a dick yes but I don't think he's infringing any copyrighted material.
Quote:Biowulf, your so mature posting gay porn on our website. Piss off.

What..the F*CK!?
(12-07-2011, 01:25 AM)Vaq Wrote:
(12-07-2011, 12:03 AM)Shadow Wrote: I actually do have a problem with him taking the snow code, its easy to get, yes, but putting the same skin + the snowcode is just taking the piss with us.

Like seriously. Already two admins of him have given up with his "Community".

It's not your "snowcode". Blackdog, one thing too say. I am very racist.
I stole the Rules from Soulripper

Take this as a goodbye.
Biowulf, Please Post more porn on our website, I love it!
Nadrick - miss ya.
Faustie - still love ya
Pinkie - Pony's rock

I am Vaq, I am a bullshit little child who wants to make an FL-clone to take your money, I will copy everything just to prove my kiddyness

I have had to lure all the players to RevRP, by offering free admin to minges.

Translated to English.
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My personal words to Vaq, I hope you get a chance to read this:

I did not get the chance to talk to you very much during your time on the server. If I would've had the chance I wouldn't be as surprised as I am right now. I thought you were a good bloke, suggesting and helping to create the FL Wiki etc. Turns out you are not.

What you wrote in this thread shows me that you are an immature kid sitting in front of his computer, raging at the community he liked, a community for which he was just not grown up enough.
You show a childish behavior by trying to insult admins and other people who are responsible for your ban, trying to get more attention, because you didn't get enough when you were in this community. Just a side question: Are you an only child?
Somebody who tries to give out personal insults to everybody instead of just walking away with his head high is really not suited to lead a whole community. Trust me, I've got experience with this.

I respect your decision or 'dream' as you call it of creating your own community, you are free to do so. Let me just ask one question,
If you always dreamt of pursueing your OWN dream, creating your OWN community, why do you try to copy everything from us? Don't you want to create your OWN community? What you did know is not your community, it's a really bad copy of something others created. Everybody can do this, 50% of China works like this.

Trust me on one thing, your community will fail sooner or later, it lacks a fair leader and the most important thing, it lacks the idea on which the whole community is based on. Why do you think people trust in the originals and not the copies?

Now, just to put it all together click this:
Dare to think!
The following 10 users Like Nudelholz's post:
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They even use [RL:RP]
i'm pretty sure he's doing this just because he is pissed because he got banned.
let's give it a few weeks, i'm pretty sure that his "community" will never get popular.

the only thing i really find sick is him actually BUYING a site just to try and piss of FL, might aswell give it to a random homeless guy and make him happy.

come on man.... save ur money for the rest of ur live, from the looks of it, i'm sure u'll need it.
(12-07-2011, 10:59 AM)Nudelholz Wrote: Now, just to put it all together click this:

I laughed my ass off!
On his "Community" You even need to PAY for spawning props with freaking real money! You need to be a fucking donator to spawn props! Thats ghey.
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