Unban Request: Paddington Bear; Rupert Bear; Fozzie Bear; [FL:RP] Frost ツ
User has been warned for this post. Reason:
I would like to make an addition to this, although I may be warned however I feel this is relevant to the case.

Given that no rules do state you cannot attack a passiveRP, nor is there any that state you can't Molotov one it is far from FailRP as this has happened in real life.

I would also like to point out that I have did MafiaRP with a staff member (previous team) who actually gave me a Molotov and told me to hit it in the middle of the night as a result of non payment for protection.

This was very much in line with the RP and has something that has happened on this server rather widely.

I would also like to add for the record that if you employ security guards that either punch, draw weapons or anything aggressive such as threatening or even do /me pushes Marty out the door. The RP is not passive as these are aggressive actions.

Let's stop treating aggressive RP like a ginger adopted step child.

And also lets stop treating PassiveRP like the sun shines out its Arse.

Peace and love \/
[Image: giphy.gif]
If bobby too pulled out a shotty, he should get the same punishment in my opinion...

[Image: andrew-tate-top-g.gif]
(03-14-2016, 09:44 PM)aDuckOnQuack Wrote: If bobby too pulled out a shotty, he should get the same punishment in my opinion...

This isn't a BR, this is an UBR. Just sayin'.
[Image: gBQQfUz.png]
Drop us a cheeky +REP, cheers (also know as Paddington Bear / Kerbal)
All I did was stand there and drive away when they told me to.. Sad
(03-14-2016, 10:02 PM)[FL:RP] Frost Wrote: All I did was stand there and drive away when they told me to.. Sad

Yh i have to admit Frost and Fozzie Bear did nothing, all they did is stand there¬
[Image: gBQQfUz.png]
Drop us a cheeky +REP, cheers (also know as Paddington Bear / Kerbal)
Ok. Ruining passiveRP has always been a punishable offence. It has been this way even when the old staff was around. The only time that aggressiveRP can "go into" passiveRP is if all sides are in agreement about it. So if you all agreed that it was fine then please show it as that will then invalidate this ban otherwise this ban is completely valid.
[Image: ay3uwl.jpg]

Signature made by MasterNoda
(03-15-2016, 03:48 AM)NightHawkd Wrote: Ok. Ruining passiveRP has always been a punishable offence. It has been this way even when the old staff was around. The only time that aggressiveRP can "go into" passiveRP is if all sides are in agreement about it. So if you all agreed that it was fine then please show it as that will then invalidate this ban otherwise this ban is completely valid.

Posting for Frost

Then why is that not in the NEW rules? If it has been punishable for a Long time, shouldn't it have been added to the rules. This ban on me is completely invalid.
(03-15-2016, 03:48 AM)NightHawkd Wrote: Ok. Ruining passiveRP has always been a punishable offence. It has been this way even when the old staff was around. The only time that aggressiveRP can "go into" passiveRP is if all sides are in agreement about it. So if you all agreed that it was fine then please show it as that will then invalidate this ban otherwise this ban is completely valid.

And how were we supposed to know this? Please point out the rule specifying that interrupting passive RP with aggressive RP is against the rules if all sides are not in agreement. Furthermore, how are you supposed to make an agreement? Do you just go into the store and in local OOC say: "Im about to rob the store, is that ok?". Because that will ruin the whole RP altogether.

There is no rule explaining what you had said is against the rules, by saying: "It has always been this way" doesn't really say anything because not everyone has always been here. There should be a clear rule stating that it is against the rules.

I have simply been banned for a reason which is not stated in the rules. Therefore it must be invalid.


Rupert Bear
[Image: gBQQfUz.png]
Drop us a cheeky +REP, cheers (also know as Paddington Bear / Kerbal)
All i did was ask for protection money and when they said no i left.
paddington bear threw the molotove not me.
and if it was a passive RP then why did they need a security guard are they scared someone is going to steal there coffee??

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