Project Hephaestus (Weapons) feedback
one of the snipers ( I believe the one that uses the awp model) is too powerful - it can fire very quickly and kill a man wear kevlar in 1 shot to the chest and since it is so quickly to fire again you can take out a lot of people very quickly without actually sniping

people are quickscoping with it
[Image: nypdcruiser.gif]
The damage isn't quite enough to kill a man wearing kevlar with a hit to the chest with one shot, but it's very close.

As it seems to be so powerful, I might make it so you have to reload after every shot. We'll monitor it for a day or two and see if the issue is severe enough to warrant a nerf.
I think a shot to the chest with a fifty caliber sniper rifle is enough to bust through the kevlar..
Honestly, if you didn't want it to 1-hit kill with a chest shot, it would still cause lots of damage, like broken ribs,internal bleeding, ruptured organs, etc. I would make it do 60-75 damage for a chest shot, but that's only me.
It's expensive enough, including mods, to warrant a very powerful shot, and its current damage is at least somewhat realistic. The main reported problem is that it fires too fast, making it an overpowered close range weapon.

However, we'll be keeping an eye on this over the next few days rather than making any rash changes and nerfing it. While one SRU team was completely decimated by one man with an AWP, I think it's likely the team was just poorly co-ordinated and rushing in as if we still had the old guns. Even a partially-organized team should be able to make use of flanking and concussion grenades to take someone like this out, and the team's I've seen people like Enzyme run would absolutely win this encounter making use of the SRU AR-15s and their concussion grenades.
Love it, love it. But what i would have given for a good old baseball bat..... Angel

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