Ban request on few rebels
I'd like to point something out... I know for a fact at least one of the people killed in the raid was with the Suave Assassins. And as far as I know Suave has an alliance with Semper Fi. And if I'm correct, Storm is a member of Semper Fi. Doesn't that make Storm a non-impartial party? Because if so, how exactly is he able to make an impartial judgement on this case? Also, may I remind you that even if we respond to a random raid with a raid, as far as I know their raid wasn't voided from RP. So within RP, we were attacked, and then responded in kind. Also, why aren't they being penalized for random raiding?
(08-17-2011, 07:18 PM)Joey Skylynx Wrote: Okay Mr. Roleplay Guard... Whats an actual reason to raid?
Go ahead. Tell me.

You want me to list every reason off the top of my head?

Most raids should come from long winded RP situations in which one side becomes so offended/threatened they believe that killing the person who he is raiding is the only option. Rather than "OH LOOK GUYS A CASTLE LETS GO BURN IT AND MURDER EVERYONE INSIDE COS' WE JUST ROLL THAT WAY"

Here lemme' line out a theoretical situation for you.
A Corleone man is walking to the city, as he passes a building that is owned by a group of rebels. The group of rebels are all armed, and as the Corleone man passes they yell insults at him, and point the guns in his direction, making him feel threatened and/or offended. The Corleone man ignores this at first, until he sees one of his friends murdered for straying into the rebel base, he decides enough is enough, gathers his Corleone friends and attempts to raid the base.


RP is supposed to come naturally, players should not come onto the server and think "Im in the mood to raid, lets set up a situation in which we can raid someone" You react to situations as they happen, rather than planning them ahead of time.

I'd say a 10k ban for Joey and Vanusk, as this is blatant "Raid-Heavy" Attitude, and frankly they need to learn that is not acceptable. And a 100k ban for Admiral, as we've had this exact problem with him before, and currently has 6 bans on his record.

EDIT: And Vanusk frankly I don't give a shit what you do clanwise to Suave, it was a wartime alliance and if you think that is changing my way in any form then you're wrong. I'm being neutral here.
Ban SemperFi and Suave then... They seem to believe if something looks like their roleplay they should be, 'terminated' from RP. If you judge RP by a gun then your no better then choking on said gun.
Oh ofc storm. Well heres my long winded reason for raiding since you asked for it.
It was a dark night (as in last night when i was on) and me and a couple of guys were just standing out in the street. suddenly out of nowhere comes some drunken idiot with a crowbar. He says hes from the suave assassins and hes invincible. we took no notice. suddenly a black out. Turns out the ass hat took that crown bar a jammed it in the back of my head. 6 weeks later when i recover from my wounds I find out that he also hospitalise joey and killed lelouch. Well im like this cant be left. I will avenge my brothers. (today) After be evicted from teh hospital me and joey are back out on the streets again and look for some revenge. we leave it for a while you know. Later that day i walk into the new appartment and see a friend dead on the floor. I pull my shotty and blow them a new ass hole.

Ok so that's is. Two friends dead countless others hospitalised.
It's time for karma to kick in. We drive past in a truck a couple of times to scope out the area. We decide that we have a good chance of getting back at them so joey and vanusk start the raid whilst i wait in the car with a sniper. Im looking through the rear view mirror tense as ever and then it happened.

Joey shot in the face by an ak47. In all my rage i jump out of the car and scoped in on his head, i hld my breath ready for the shot.


A fucking head shot.
i blew his face into the back of his head.

Oh and by the way this all actually happened ingame over the period of last night and today ask anyone from the sindicate for proof as i was with them yesterday.
Okay. Let me lay something out for you. I love to RP I do. But no one on this server does it. Everything done in this server revolves around four things, from what I've seen. Money, guns, theft, and anger. People do not RP. It simply isn't done, they either make a weak attempt to get by to appear as if they're not breaking the rules, or just simply ignore RP all together. All most people on this server want to do is kill others and steal shit. Or simply cause anger. I honestly don't have a problem with that. But your rules simply don't let them. So they find workarounds. Or try to skim by with the bare minimum, as I said. And with that in mind, there are honestly no RP situations created where raiding is acceptable. So with that in mind, why even have the tools to do them with, such as lockpicks and code breakers? And if there is no killing in raids, what is the point of guns with the RDM rule in place? And with all of those things gone, what is the point of playing this game? Driving cars around all day? I think not. Based on common interpretation of the rules, this gamemode is made pointless. It is a fun thing to play, and I would hate to see it destroyed because people simply can't handle playing it the way it should be played. And it's getting really tiresome every time somebody dies, loses a battle, or gets robbed, their first response is to claim a rule was broken. Why exactly is this to be let happen? I just wanted to RP and earn some money. Then I got shot up by Rthe other residents of the building, and my friends and I responded in kind. This is completely within RP. I don't know why such a big fuss had to be made, but I just wanted to play the game. Why can't people just be allowed to do that?
(08-17-2011, 07:39 PM)Joey Skylynx Wrote: Ban SemperFi and Suave then... They seem to believe if something looks like their roleplay they should be, 'terminated' from RP. If you judge RP by a gun then your no better then choking on said gun.

Not sure what this means as you've never seen any clan RP from Semper as far as I know.

(08-17-2011, 07:41 PM)fester199 Wrote: Long story.

Joining the server after time counts as NLR, exceptions such as game crashes can be made but server crashes and IRL days going by are not. So you had no reason at all as you were all in a state of NLR.

Vanusk If you think it's okay to raid constantly then don't play on FL, simple as.

Anyways my ban length suggestions have been stated, and I'll wait for another admin to post on whether they agree or disagree with them.

And you've never seen our RP either. We usually put up training courses for players, make camp rp, and do a ton of random go-kart rp
(08-17-2011, 07:47 PM)Joey Skylynx Wrote: And you've never seen our RP either. We usually put up training courses for players, make camp rp, and do a ton of random go-kart rp

Thats not the point, we're discussing the evidence at hand and that is not good RP.
But how are we supposed to really develop a character ingame if it crashes every 15-30 minuets.

Also kinda good story if i do say so my self Wink
(08-17-2011, 07:49 PM)fester199 Wrote: But how are we supposed to really develop a character ingame if it crashes every 15-30 minuets.

Also kinda good story if i do say so my self Wink

We can't control crashes, if you're gonna whine about that then go to another server.

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