Admin application!
Why do you want to become admin?

Cuz i wanna help keep the server playable, like kick minges and that stuff.

Why do you think your a good admin?

In my eyes im a pretty fair admin, im good at helping new ppl and old
ppl with some stuff. And im online much of the day.

What is your in-game name?

Rpname: General Drildos. Normal name: [FL:RP] Andreas - DK.

Where you come from?

Denmark, the little country :-D

How old are you?

I am 15 years old.

When are you most active? Morning, afternoon, evening, night?

It would be most at the afternnon, evening, night.

Are you willing to join (when there is a minge) and your not on the server?

Ofc sure i am, ill join if i sleep?, to kick / ban a minge.

Will you give warnings first or kick/ban inmediately?

It depends what rule he broke. Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

Will you trust well known FL members, or will you collect evidence?

Uhm depends who of the FL members it is. some yes or some no.

What is your past clan history?

[PB] Past 3 months, then the owner closed the clan and server.

[SG] Ive been in that clan for years.

What games do you currently play?

- Garry's Mod, That game i play most.
- Call of duty modern wafare 2.
- Battlefield Bad Company 2.

Additional information

Im a guy who loves to play roleplay, I play garrys mod for the roleplay.
And i will always do my best to keep the Fearless server up, like donate and that stuff. And im going in the school, after school im playing on the server the rest of the day.

Hope i get accepted Andreas
<3<3 I will never forget you grandfather 14.9.11 R.I.P<3<3

Why should we choose you?
This is probably the question you and all the other admins are asking yourselves when reading this. I think that a good start in my quest to convince you to choose me, would be to tell you that my name is Filip, I am, as most of you already know, from Norway. I am 16 years old. Ingame I am known as Fai222. The games I play is Gmod and Bad Company 2. I have grown tired of everything else.

Now we all have our reasons for wanting to be an admin. For me, it is basically all about the community and to ensure that everyone, including myself, gets the best experience possible out of Fearless RP! Minges are destroying everyone's experience, and together with my AUG I will eat them to breakfast (any other meal too, for that matter)!

I really love the Fearless server, no point in hiding it. Its such a great server! The admins are great, the community is great, and the server itself is just great! I would really like to contribute more!

If I get chosen to become the new admin I will try my very best to stay neutral in all possible situations. I think that fair judgement is one very important thing in both real life as well as ingame, and I know that I will be able to make fair judgements. It is important to listen to both parts of the same story before you act, and this is exactly what I will do! Evidence is also a very important factor when making, but also witnesses. Going undercover is also a very effective way to deal with minges, I learned that one from Nudel.

Another important thing that I believe very strongly in, is a second chance for everyone. No matter the crimes everyone deserves a warning, at least almost everyone. People who definitely break the rules to mess up the server will be shown no mercy.

I will of course join if some is minging on the server. It is important to make sure that everyone gets the same experience from their time on Fearless RP, a minge-free experience!

When it comes to activity, I am on from 5 p.m.-1 a.m.

I must admit that i have had some fights with other players, i have raged due to rdm, but i have sorted it all out in the aftermath.

Last but not least I will try to walk in the footsteps of the current admins, they are the main reason to why this server is such a great place to play! They are doing a great job!
This may be my chance to do something in return.
Signature too big...
- Why do you want to become admin?
I play alot on this server (mostle almost the whole day when i am available to) and i noticed when there is no admin on for sec. the minges rise. there are always minges to be extinquished. And i like to help people that need help.
- Why do you think your a good admin?
I know alot players and friends on this server, and i am very consequent. Unless some other ppl that first are whining 20 min around it and still minge.
- What is your in-game name?
Probaly Barrelroll
- Where you come from? (only country)
The Netherlands
- How old are you? (only age)
- When are you most active? Morning, afternoon, evening, night?
Morning, afternoon, evening, night ( not the whole night Tounge ).
- Are you willing to join (when there is a minge) and your not on the server?
Sure, except when i am really busy like cleaning up stuff etc. or eating.
- Will you give warnings first or kick/ban inmediately?
I go @ the suspect and i would give a warning first, but if he is lieing and there are mutliple ppl who saw it i give him ban/kick immediatly.
- Will you trust well known FL members, or will you collect evidence?
If FL i know the members well i suppose they won't lie and i can trust them i will kick/ban the suspect. But if it aren't members i don't really know good i will collect evidence.
- What is your past clan history?
I've been in alot clans, like Igmod, SBD(I still play sometimes on the server of them like build or RP).
- What games do you currently play?
Garry's Mod ofc., and sometimes some other games like RA2 or something.
- Additional information
If i become admin i wouldn't abuse it and i would take my role as admin seriously.
Have a nice day, Barrelroll ( Ps: I was lately not on the server because i was on vacation in France.)
Signature too big...
- Why do you want to become admin?
I want to keep the server clean of minges, help other people and overall just keep it fun for players.
- Why do you think your a good admin?
I believe i have good judgment skills, iv been admin on several servers on several games, including CA RP server.
- What is your in-game name?
MiniDude (RP Name - Emilio Barzini)
- Where you come from? (only country)
- How old are you? (only age)
- When are you most active? Morning, afternoon, evening, night?
All the time mostly, except when im working with 3ds Max etc..
- Are you willing to join (when there is a minge) and your not on the server?
Yes i will always join if someone is reporting anyone.
- Will you give warnings first or kick/ban immediately?
Depends what rule he broke, i usually give 1 warning then kick/ban depending on what rule he broke.
- Will you trust well known FL members, or will you collect evidence?
I will trust them, but i will need evidence if its something big.
- What is your past clan history?
Iv been in A LOT of clans, also made some, but now im staying at ZeneTech the Development Team that me and my brother is founder of.
- What games do you currently play?
Gmod, Arma 2, Heroes In the Sky, Resistance and Liberation, Minecraft and a bunch of other games. But mostly Gmod and Arma 2.
- Additional information
Always loved RP games always hated Minges.. Im a mature player, always follow the rules. Etc... Just ask if you wanna know more. Cheese
Hi there Fearless! Smile

I Really like to become an admin because i play much on your server, and i like it alot! It's like the best RP server in Gmod. And i really like the people who plays on the server, and i think that's important too.

I can easily talk to players, and i am always calm. I speak good english. I know all the server rules from top to end.

My ingamename is: Nielsen (my rp name is Bobby Olsen)

I come from Denmark Smile

I am only 13 years old, i know it doesn't seem like alot, but im born realy late at the year, and im trying to act more mature than 13 years old Smile

Im most active at afternoon and evening (between 15-23). But i do sports 4 days every week, thats one and a half our i'll be gone between 15 and 23 Smile

Of course im willing to join, if there is no admin and someone report it, but sometimes my real life, is more important Smile

I will not kick, ban or warn before i know about what they write to me is real, or they just are trying to get someone banned, because they dont like them.

I will not trust a person if he has "FL:RP" in his name. Everyone can go put that in their name, i will have evidence.

I've never been in a clan Smile I never played so much Gmod, until my friend said he found your server i started playing Smile

I play World Of Warcraft And Counter Strike: Source i have much more games, but dont play them Smile

Im a really "sporty" type. I play both handball and football, and like both thing really much. If im not playing football or handball, i will be with hanging out with my friends, or playing garrys mod with them Smile (of course on your server)
Im in school from 8-14.30 every day Smile

- Nielsen
- Why do you want to become admin?
Fed up of abusers and minges on the server, which is the most awesome server I've seen btw. I want to make the community even better. Smile
- Why do you think you're a good admin?
I am able to empathise with both the accused and accusing, and I can listen to and take both explanations in consideration when deciding if someone is guilty of rule-breaking.
- What is your in-game name?
D3m0n!c87 (Jimmy Bensen)
- Where you come from? (only country)
UK (Wales)
- How old are you? (only age)
- When are you most active? Morning, afternoon, evening, night?
During school times, evenings, most other times, any time.
- Are you willing to join (when there is a minge) and you're not on the server?
- Will you give warnings first or kick/ban inmediately?
Depends on offense. Abusing job, or not doing job, warning first. Blatant RDM, kick or ban.
- Will you trust well known FL members, or will you collect evidence?
Both. Most FL members are trustworthy IMO, but in order to give a proper verdict, I would need to investigate myself.
- What is your past clan history?
I've been in a few clans before, but not played a major part in any of them, other than my own small clan. But hey, we all start somewhere, right?
- What games do you currently play?
GMod mainly, and a bit of UT3 and sometimes WoW.
- Additional information
I've donated a total of $25 (I think) to the community so far.[/size][/font]
- Why do you want to become admin?
I dont know maby for fun Smile
- Why do you think your a good admin?
I dont think
- What is your in-game name?
Jack Ripper
- Where you come from? (only country)
- How old are you? (only age)
- When are you most active? Morning, afternoon, evening, night?
- Are you willing to join (when there is a minge) and your not on the server?
- Will you give warnings first or kick/ban inmediately?
Warning first
- Will you trust well known FL members, or will you collect evidence?
- What is your past clan history?
- What games do you currently play?
L4D2, simcity 4, Cod mw 2, css, Gmod
- Additional information
1: Because i like helping people and the server, and it seems like the server needs a fair admin.
2: I think i would make a good admin because as i already said: i like helping people, i do not take Minging kindly, i would really like the ability of cleaning the server for minges, cause i meet/see them VERY often, after calls for me i would be there very fast.
3: my in-game name is ๖ۣۜSkaara ๖ۣۜDreadlocks and my Ig-name is Brian O'Conner.
4: Norway. | 5: Turn 15 in January. | 6: mostly at the afternoon and evening. often in weekends but not at the evening at Tuesdays and maybe not evening at sundayds either.
7: well.. it depends if i'm busy or not.. and im mostly not, so yes i mostly would. (only problem is that my PC is kinda slow at joining Gmod, but i will maybe re-install it in a while)
8: kicks will only be given without a warning if it's a DEFINITE rulebreak, but mostly avoided. Ban's Will NEVER be done without an investigation. i kinda like playing detective ;P And i just LOVE when a guy that has stupid arguments finally get's pwnd by some real good and long arguments.
9: i will pretend trusting them, but still investigate to not make them careful with revealing their rulebreaks.
10: well i've never really been in a real Clan. so that's it.. i mostly don't take parts in-game. im kinda friendly to the guys that are enemies against each others.
11: Mostly Garry's Mod and a little bit CSS. and a very few times L4D1. also i play NFSU2 and NFSC AWESOME games! Cheese
12:my biggest pride on the server: as i remember, i've NEVER EVER prop pushed, prop killed or anything like those serious rule breaks. not even when someone else are prop pushing me. i just attempt to run over to them and talk some sense into their minds (Y) and THAT is very hard when i dont have the ability to freeze people/ use no-clip to get to them so i can talk with them without getting prop killed..

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