Iustitia Humanorum
Ladies, gentlemen, I have the following announcement for you all. Our alliance has started activity, despite the loss of CreativE. Therefore I declare that we have just started a new period in the history of Evostate! I declare that the time of desperation has ceized!

I call this new period of time "Tempus Iustitiae", the Time of Justice.

Yesterday we had a first meeting, and today I got to announce a new member today. I'm glad that you were here to attend this meeting! I must say again, citizens, but we'll meet again, when we walk on the street and live our daily live!

Hereby I end my words and I thank you for the trust you all have in us, Iustitia Humanorum.

Vale, kind regards!


By these words I declare the arrival of Fish Assasin.

Welcome to our alliance! We will meet ASAP to give you all the needed info.

Kind regards,

Your local representative of Iustitia Humanorum.
© Nudelholz
Information has been received.

hi guys.
***puts a note in the bulletin

Dear members of Iustitia Humanorum, I, Francis Mayhem, have some strictly personal things to solve in Lincoln. I won't return till the 17th.

Kind regards,

Francis Mayhem.

P.S. The full command of the clan is transfered to Biowulf for these days, as I am not here.

OOC: G2g to Disney Land Paris, cya guys ^^

© Nudelholz
StillAlive (Sir. Wayne Toward)

***The folowing letter is sent to Wayne Toward:

Dear mr. Toward,

You left your name at our bulletin and we suppose that is because you are trying to tell us that your interest in our alliance is of that volume that you consider joining us. The Iudices Principissimi will start their deliberation when you meet the following requirements:

Quote:You can apply by simply writing your autobiography here and by letting us know your name. We will judge if you are able to join by factors only know to the Iudices Principissimi.

Thank you for you understanding.

Kind regards,

Your local Iustitia Humanorum representative.

© Nudelholz
(Oh an autobiography, sorry my bad)

Dear Iustitia Humanorum representative.

My name is Wayne Toward. I was born on the 24. of June 1981, and did in 2005 save the queen of England when I were in the Majestic Secret Service. Therefor I earned the title, Sir.
Today I live in Evocity. I don't have any wife, kids or girlfriend as I like to keep myself clean and relaxed. Love doesn't really attract me as it is only a state in the mind. Just like pain.
I spend most of my time with the ones around me, who can be both the criminals and the government... But most important I only deals with situations which benefits me or my friends the most.
If it doesn't bother me, I don't bother thinking about it.

I hope you will think about me in the latest future, as I see myself as a valuable volunteer.

Sir. Wayne Toward

***A new letter suddenly appears in Wayne Toward's mailbox.

By these words I declare the arrival of StillAlive.

Welcome to our alliance! We will meet ASAP to give you all the needed info.

Kind regards,

Your local representative of Iustitia Humanorum.
© Nudelholz
Good day everyone.

I appreciate this very much, and I will do my very best to satisfy the clans needs and goals.

Wayne Toward.
Hey guys ^^

Ok, this is my idea. I think we kinda need a day (and an hour) where we all try to come online. (This is not gonna be easy for fish cuz he lives in GMT -6 tough.) Anyway, I propose Saturday. I think we should discuss the rest as a clan, so post your opinions ^^
© Nudelholz
Hmm.. I will go to work Saturday from 8 to 18, so I don't know if I can come

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