[RANT] Our Younger Generation
(12-22-2013, 11:39 AM)Freezak Wrote: Are you talking about United States of America as a country or America as the whole continent? As far as i know United States belongs to America, not America to the United States.

I get slightly wound up by that too. People always referring to the USA as "America".

[Image: LkB62ld.png]

I refer this rant to the United States, and anywhere else that happens to have this problem, not the entire world.
Sorry if this was not clear to any of you.
I live in quite a shit run down city in England called Derby, where I live is quite nice and grand but when I want to go into town to either play football or just meet with friends, there are just places you can't go, there is a part of town we like to call "pisshead benches" if you're not from England a pisshead is someone who is off their face on drugs or they're always drunk or where I live both, last time I went there we asked a fairly average guy what the time was, he then proceeded to punch the bus stop window and smashed it he then staggered off to which point we gathered he was fucked , I have seen some horrible things down there, people who have been beaten up and people who have been on the floor drunk out their face and so high they don't know whether they're black or white and it just goes to show that people like this (the people you were talking about in your post) never get anywhere from it, they will either go to prison, they will work in Mcdonalds or become homeless and live a life of drinking and drugs, seems extreme but yeah, you're right, this generation is shit. (No offence to anyone who works in Mcdonalds, i'm sure it's a well paid job :3)
Ah. Yeah, I suppose this only applies to certain places. Britain is known for its chavvy youth, but these days I'm constantly traveling between Bromley and Brighton and neither of those cities are particularly bad when it comes to the 'broken generation'. Maybe I'm just lucky. My secondary (high) school was full of dipshits, though.
[Image: P6KNEfH.png]           .       
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The new generation is from teen parents still acting like kids ect-
My parents are old fashioned and I do admit they spoiled me because I was one of the youngest but for that I do anything for them - my parents have my utmost respect.
When I was a kid there was a thing called discipline do something bad you either get the shouting at, belt or my personal favorite the wooden spoon.

What really angers me is when I'm on a bus and I see a frail old woman standing and some teenager/kid sitting down right in front of them -for me when I see someone older than me or even a woman I give up my seat for them- but this generation... is just wanting a uppercut in the jaw or a good beating just to get some sort of sense into them, I go by the statement respect your elders.

I blame the internet and
the role-models of today
Justin Bieber: A little scumbag with no moral sense.
Nicki Minaj: Doesn't know how to dress properly - want to have an example look at her Halloween costume
Miley Cyrus: Just one of the biggest attention whores out there.

(Thing which pisses me off the most- when people don't say please or thank you- the most common and basic manners which require no effort)
Quote: Thing which pisses me off the most- when people don't say please or thank you- the most common and basic manners which require no effort)
Fucking yes.
Went to hand out presents yesterday to the needy in a poor town with some other volunteers. I was handing out bikes and I have not received any thank you from a good 3/4 of both the kids and parents. Thanks very much for bringing it up
(12-22-2013, 05:48 PM)Jarz Wrote:
Quote: Thing which pisses me off the most- when people don't say please or thank you- the most common and basic manners which require no effort)
freaking yes.
Went to hand out presents yesterday to the needy in a poor town with some other volunteers. I was handing out bikes and I have not received any thank you from a good 3/4 of both the kids and parents. Thanks very much for bringing it up

The golden rule while being so helpful and kind - Don't expect a gratitude.

Let me bring up one example:

I receive an order, time limit of completion "ASAP", ie. "Yesterday". We call each other to get along, it turns out that the work will be very big and no one else will do it, just me. I sit down to the computer and start with a "smoke" - it's my job. But i think everytime - why always me, why always in a hurry - but in the end it's still my job so i don't lose motivation and continue working. In the end, time passes, i finish the job, hone the details with German precision and then another thought runs through my head: "Don't hone it so much, because no one would notice it and certainly no one will thank you." But whatever, i still have some time so i'll do the best i can. I finished and i'm satisfied. I know i did a good job, regardless of whether someone will appreciate it.

On the one hand, you can expect that someone at the beggining should say, that he will be very grateful, or that it's really important for further development of the company, so we can expect some reward. But then the work would look completely diferent. It would be done only "for the carrot" and not because to do it well. Satisfaction wouldn't be the same. Motivating factor would be completely different.

Now i know that we shouldn't expect gratitude. While it's worth thanking others, we shouldn't come up with claims when doing good (even doing our job honestly). When we do it selflessly, good returns to us and enriches, although not always in the material form and not always immedietaly. When we always expect some payment for our goodness, we are not going to feel better or richer.

Then, when i finished that order, i was tired, but happy and i started a new weekend with satisfcation. When i returned on Monday, i saw already a new message on my gmail account, a satisfied customer with gratitude: "Erwin you're awesome!". It tasted even better than i had expected, because "i did what i should do".
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(12-22-2013, 04:49 PM)Ciryl Wrote: The new generation is from teen parents still acting like kids ect-
My parents are old fashioned and I do admit they spoiled me because I was one of the youngest but for that I do anything for them - my parents have my utmost respect.
When I was a kid there was a thing called discipline do something bad you either get the shouting at, belt or my personal favorite the wooden spoon.
Just because some parents beat or shout at their kids, doesn't mean that these kids will be more polite or better than others. Beating kids is not showing discipline. My grandfather never beat or shout at my mom or me. Does this mean he is bad at discipline?

What really angers me is when I'm on a bus and I see a frail old woman standing and some teenager/kid sitting down right in front of them -for me when I see someone older than me or even a woman I give up my seat for them- but this generation...
Again "this generation" same things happen with older people, I see way more people of older age who behave like that. Does it meant that their generation is fucked up too? No, It's just some individuals who act like that.
is just wanting a uppercut in the jaw or a good beating just to get some sort of sense into them, I go by the statement respect your elders.

I blame the internet and
the role-models of today
Justin Bieber: A little scumbag with no moral sense.
Nicki Minaj: Doesn't know how to dress properly - want to have an example look at her Halloween costume
Miley Cyrus: Just one of the biggest attention whores out there.
Role models? Lol, If those people are role models of someone who you know, then I am sorry for them. If not, then I don't know where you get that info from.

(Thing which pisses me off the most- when people don't say please or thank you- the most common and basic manners which require no effort)
It's ridiculous that someone is saying that "this generation is fucked up" just because of people in USA who listen to music like that, beat old people like that. And can easily buy a gun and shoot everyone.

You keep saying that this generation is the worst, let's get 40 years back, when hippie subculture was very popular. What did they want to do? Nothing, be free of all problems, and do nothing. Oh yeah they were also using drugs. (Heavier than weed)

Answering question "Hippies were only 1-2% of whole generation"
Those people who act like those In post of Jarz, are also very small %
(12-22-2013, 07:16 PM)Borovichok Wrote:
(12-22-2013, 04:49 PM)Ciryl Wrote: The new generation is from teen parents still acting like kids ect-
My parents are old fashioned and I do admit they spoiled me because I was one of the youngest but for that I do anything for them - my parents have my utmost respect.
When I was a kid there was a thing called discipline do something bad you either get the shouting at, belt or my personal favorite the wooden spoon.
Just because some parents beat or shout at their kids, doesn't mean that these kids will be more polite or better than others. Beating kids is not showing discipline. My grandfather never beat or shout at my mom or me. Does this mean he is bad at discipline?

What really angers me is when I'm on a bus and I see a frail old woman standing and some teenager/kid sitting down right in front of them -for me when I see someone older than me or even a woman I give up my seat for them- but this generation...
Again "this generation" same things happen with older people, I see way more people of older age who behave like that. Does it meant that their generation is fucked up too? No, It's just some individuals who act like that.
is just wanting a uppercut in the jaw or a good beating just to get some sort of sense into them, I go by the statement respect your elders.

I blame the internet and
the role-models of today
Justin Bieber: A little scumbag with no moral sense.
Nicki Minaj: Doesn't know how to dress properly - want to have an example look at her Halloween costume
Miley Cyrus: Just one of the biggest attention whores out there.
Role models? Lol, If those people are role models of someone who you know, then I am sorry for them. If not, then I don't know where you get that info from.

(Thing which pisses me off the most- when people don't say please or thank you- the most common and basic manners which require no effort)
It's ridiculous that someone is saying that "this generation is fucked up" just because of people in USA who listen to music like that, beat old people like that. And can easily buy a gun and shoot everyone.

You keep saying that this generation is the worst, let's get 40 years back, when hippie subculture was very popular. What did they want to do? Nothing, be free of all problems, and do nothing. Oh yeah they were also using drugs. (Heavier than weed)

Answering question "Hippies were only 1-2% of whole generation"
Those people who act like those In post of Jarz, are also very small %

Paragraph One: How is it not ridiculous? I never said listening to that music is a bad thing, LISTENING to what they are TELLING YOU TO DO is however, and it contributes to kids being little shits. They need to learn to respect their elders and not laugh at them for having a hunched back. Buying weapons to shoot people with is a terrible thing, and you are calling mass murder not a bad thing?

Paragraph Two: So they were doing more than weed, that sucks.
Today, kids are doing MUCH MORE than smoking weed or anything worse than it, so there is no comparison, just look below.

Paragraph Three: You must not be living in the U.S.

Keep in mind who exactly you are trying to defend here:
http://youtu.be/gzptOuQ0M9U :35
http://youtu.be/Eo_FYVwIeaY (This is a good one to explain my points.)
http://youtu.be/XxHK3x-ID14 (This guy pretty much sums up my OP.)
All of those people you mentioned(in vids) are Americans, and black (most of em) (in b4 omg racist).
Some of the things that Boot blitz guy mentioned are very true, even in my country, especially about young girls, sadly I know some girls like myself.

I was not defending them, I was saying that if this happens In USA, doesn't mean in whole world too USA=/= Whole world.
For example I never heard about Knockout game before. Maybe because it's not popular in my country.
Buying weapons to shoot people with is a terrible thing, and you are calling mass murder not a bad thing? 
Never said it's okay. I am saying that if behavior like that is typical to USA, doesn't mean it's for every other country

Edit: I Just read your post Where you say that this rant is about US. well, I dost know What to say now, then this is the problem in your country, not Whole generation

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