More ranting at the administration
(09-12-2013, 09:07 PM)Narcotic Wrote:
(09-12-2013, 09:05 PM)Joykill Wrote: Also now we're at it, the abuse case on Temar has been under "detailed review" for over a month. I'd like to see a fair solution to this, but 1½ months seems like a bit too much in my opinion.

Cases length vary and you cannot really classify one and a half month as too long time to process such a case. On the other hand, no official statement has not been made, therefore you'll have to wait for that.

Also can you tell me why this abuse case is categorized as "dealt with"?
(09-12-2013, 09:10 PM)Joykill Wrote:
(09-12-2013, 09:07 PM)Narcotic Wrote:
(09-12-2013, 09:05 PM)Joykill Wrote: Also now we're at it, the abuse case on Temar has been under "detailed review" for over a month. I'd like to see a fair solution to this, but 1½ months seems like a bit too much in my opinion.

Cases length vary and you cannot really classify one and a half month as too long time to process such a case. On the other hand, no official statement has not been made, therefore you'll have to wait for that.

Also can you tell me why this abuse case is categorized as "dealt with"?

If it is categorized as such, it is dealt with. Although if you are not satisfied with the result, the only resort you have is to consult a supervising administrator.
(09-12-2013, 09:11 PM)Narcotic Wrote:
(09-12-2013, 09:10 PM)Joykill Wrote:
(09-12-2013, 09:07 PM)Narcotic Wrote:
(09-12-2013, 09:05 PM)Joykill Wrote: Also now we're at it, the abuse case on Temar has been under "detailed review" for over a month. I'd like to see a fair solution to this, but 1½ months seems like a bit too much in my opinion.

Cases length vary and you cannot really classify one and a half month as too long time to process such a case. On the other hand, no official statement has not been made, therefore you'll have to wait for that.

Also can you tell me why this abuse case is categorized as "dealt with"?

If it is categorized as such, it is dealt with. Although if you are not satisfied with the result, the only resort you have is to consult a supervising administrator.

I did that a few days ago. I never received a reply.
Also reason for me stating it was categorized as dealt with is because it was in the closed section with the description:
Quote:Admin abuse threads that are dealt with, will be archived here.
If you want to know what happened to him, sadly you may never find out. Although it states it will be archived, no where in there does it state that the punishment will be for public record. I had an abuse thread against me one that said I would be dealt with. It resulted in a conversation where I was able to clearly state what happened and I ended up not being the bad guy. The guy that posted MY abuse thread was attempting to nail me because I caught him RDMing another person and gave him a second chance. I find the situation I was in funny. People want admins to give chances, then someone goes and fucks it up. Then again my case was about NPCs and a group of people who wanted me to spawn them for them in a controlled fashion. Lemme attempt to sum it up for you as I remember this case.

I remember the claim that Temar was shrinking himself and punching people. Has he done it since? If not, he probably got a talking to and so long as it doesn't happen again, case closed. Realistically what do you expect to happen? He's in a pretty untouchable position as the only Dev at the moment. Kinda like when Soul went on an RDMing spree, can't demote the owner.
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(07-25-2013, 10:49 PM)Equalizer Wrote: So, instead of handling this properly you decide to go full retard and post memes? I don't see how this is better in anyway?

If this was regular members that would've done this, in a discussion thread. They would've been warned if not banned plus their posting rights would've been taken away and that is a fact.
[Image: f8ba1Yh.png]
After looking over this thread again with more rest, I would like to point out that it was repeatedly stated that the case you continue to ask about was being handled internally to avoid further public interference. I dunno if you understand quite what that means so I'll dumb it down for you. Next time you post on this thread wondering what is going on, realize that you are part of the public, and no further input is required of you at this time. If they need anything from you, they will ask.

Short short version, thank you for your report, you do not need to know the outcome, have a nice day.

And as for other people and the posts about maturity or how we should have this or that. Lets outline, I notice two of you are former staff. One of you was immature as staff, which lead to your demotion. The other one really would like the tool that he is used to having, (I can relate) but doesn't seem to understand that the ratio of proper use vs improper isn't in the favor of the community. Though you have good intentions with what you want, accept that most people don't have good intentions and even worse people will attempt to use every piece of the logs to try to micromanage everything from stalking admins activity to backseat administration.

Guys, I was an admin for a bit, I was an admin recently, THERE IS NO CONSPIRACY! WE'RE NOT OUT TO GET YOU! WE DON'T GET IN YOUR PERSONAL BUSINESS! Do us a favor, stay in your lane, mind your own business or learn not to gossip. One of those three statement applies to 95% of the posters in this threat. Just saying. kthxbai.
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(09-12-2013, 11:12 PM)Jokhah Wrote: If you want to know what happened to him, sadly you may never find out. Although it states it will be archived,

Well, the most recent post in the thread was made by Killjoy stating that it was under detailed review, never directly stated it was closed. At least saying the case is closed should be the standard procedure of handling such cases. I know that nothing will happen most likely due to his position in the developer team. Much of the reason I posted it was to see how the administration would react to a "controversial" case. Although I would like to see an official post saying case is over, I am doubtful it will happen.

(09-15-2013, 11:49 AM)Jokhah Wrote: Short short version, thank you for your report, you do not need to know the outcome, have a nice day.

Even though I have more faith in the administration than this, I do believe this should be changed (assuming that is what is currently happening). Just like a (un)ban request I am involved in the case and desire to know the final decision in the case.
You see, at first we're at least pulling enough publicity here, secondly you're now complaining about procedures?

I do not know how you can judge something without even knowing half of it.
To be honest if the admins weren't as strict as they are now, it would be sh*ty RP not City RP, GG to admins/moderators.

(09-17-2013, 08:59 PM)Narcotic Wrote: I do not know how you can judge something without even knowing half of it.
What I do know is that the system is not optimal. Been under "detailed review" for far more than a month and apparently I can't get ANY information about what is going on? The supervising administrator will not reply to my PM, so getting any information regarding the case is impossible really. I just want to know whether the case is still under review?
(09-17-2013, 09:16 PM)iLikeCats379 Wrote: To be honest if the admins weren't as strict as they are now, it would be sh*ty RP not City RP, GG to admins/moderators.

I must disagree. I think them being strict (even though not any of them are super strict at the moment) is okay, and without that the server would be... hell, really. Most people complaining about them being strict is people with a recent ban or blacklist, funnily enough.

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