Someway to kick people out of your car
+/- Support

-Support on kicking people out the car whilst in a moving vehicle.
+Support on kicking people out of the car whilst the car is stationary.
+ support
+ support
It'll help with minges jumping into your car, and really if you kick them out and they get run over it's their own fault for being a minge and going in soneone's car. Maybe they won't think about doing it again.. but then again there's the chance of someone kicking another person out for a bad reason and getting thrm killed.
Love the idea, Liked
I don't see how will this get abused, so most certainly
[Image: image.png]

Ted - International Lover: My gear changes sound like Donald Duck
(05-30-2013, 12:29 PM)Rolorox Wrote: + Support

I hate when you are trying to roleplay or do something important and random people hop in your car and refuse to leave it.

Also I could see this being implemented for Police and SRU as was stated by another. Maybe if someone has a warrant and they are refusing to get out of a car you can hit their car with something like the ram to force them out. Obviously it would only work if the car is not moving but could add for realism. In the real world if someone won't get out of their car then they are getting pulled out.

this ^^
With all due respect,

Trevor Jackson

[Image: ActualSig.jpg]

I can see where this would be useful

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