[Unofficial] The Lucchese Family
Ok add me to one. I am tired if arguing by typing.
Can you please tell your members to leave me alone? Every single RP I do on v2d I get mugged by your clan. EVERY SINGLE RP I do your men come up to me and say "Protection money?" And if I don't pay them they molotov me, knife me, shoot me, etc. I would be fine if it was once or twice, but I'm starting to think all of you are targeting me and me only for money.
I was told to pay when I did cafe RP, computer RP, pizza RP three times, and I was even told to pay while I was building and my shop wasn't even open!
This is your final warning. Next time any of your men force me to pay for protection money I will record it and post a BR for metagaming (always making only me pay when they see me online) targeting one player (same reason) NLR (they make me pay even after they kill me) and random raiding.

Well accually as not meta or nlr you are a buissness owner. If you die they can come back and ask you again. They assume you are a new owner.

They don't target one player they do it with every buissness owner. Not random raiding we are doing mafia rp
(03-07-2013, 12:16 AM)lukebran Wrote: Well accually as not meta or nlr you are a buissness owner. If you die they can come back and ask you again. They assume you are a new owner.

They don't target one player they do it with every buissness owner. Not random raiding we are doing mafia rp

It is NLR. One of your members said that Jokhah gave him permission to "molotov you every 5 minutes" (exact quote) I asked Jokhah and Jokhah said you guys can do it ONCE.

I recorded one of your members telling me to pay at two seperate businesses in 10 minutes. I changed businesses cause I thought he would leave me alone. I threatened to post a BR for possible OOC stalking, metagaming, etc. And he said "Okay fine I'll leave you alone" and he never bothered me again cause he KNEW he was breaking the rules.

If you guys don't leave me alone, I WILL post a BR

I told them to moli after the 3rd try. If the person dies you start over with a first try. They will ask any business for money no matter who it is. I also added not to moli right away but to beat the person a little.

If it bugs you i will tell them to not do it as much any more.
(03-07-2013, 12:28 AM)lukebran Wrote: I told them to moli after the 3rd try. If the person dies you start over with a first try. They will ask any business for money no matter who it is. I also added not to moli right away but to beat the person a little.

If it bugs you i will tell them to not do it as much any more.

It does bug me. And according to both Jokhah and Grub, if you kill the person you cannot ask them for money anymore else it's breaking NLR.

Also I thought your clan was only doing it to me case whenever I'm on the server you guys would ask me for protection money, leave, and you wouldn't go to other businesses, you would usually just go to your base or something.

So you are telling me once that person dies we cant ever ask you again.
(03-07-2013, 12:52 AM)lukebran Wrote: So you are telling me once that person dies we cant ever ask you again.

No you cannot, NLR applies to both sides.

You die in a raid, you can't kill that person for killing you. <- Original NLR

A cop tries to arrest you, you kill the cop. You cannot keep killing the cop because of that one time he arrested you. <- Vice versa NLR, like your case.

It may seem like your RP isn't like the cop example, but if you think about it, it really is.

Also, you can ask me again after molotoving me, but if I die in that RP (i.e. me dieing in that molotov's fire, or you killing me for no paying you) You cannot ask me again, which is what happened in your RP.

If you die we ask again but act like you are a new bussness owner we give you three more chances -not nlr

The only one making it a problem is you all you have to do is pay and the problems will stop. Its not even that expensive.
(03-07-2013, 01:01 AM)lukebran Wrote: If you die we ask again but act like you are a new bussness owner we give you three more chances -not nlr

The only one making it a problem is you all you have to do is pay and the problems will stop. Its not even that expensive.

It's not that you make me pay, it's that you keep making me pay and you never leave me alone. It's not about money, it's about how much you bother me, threaten me, etc.

It's called harassment, and according to many staff members, it's a bannable offense. Leave me alone. I don't care if you want to do aggressive or passive RP with me, just tell your clan members to stop harassing me.

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