[Unofficial] The Lucchese Family
Lol pancakes i didn't know it was you ok i will change it.
(03-04-2013, 10:43 PM)Bloodz_Bro Wrote: The only RP reason you have is the *** your family thing. All of the conflicts we had was in OOC (Out Of Character) and you can not use OOC chat for reasons. *** your family is not a good enough reason for war, you need more than one reason and so far only one. Please ask an admin.

So you admit "fuck your family" was ic. Cause you have been saying it was ooc.

You know what lets end this. If you agree to stop insulting us, acting like your clan is better then everyone else's and making fun of the way our clan is set up then we can forget about this whole thing.
It seems to me that you(santorini) insult not just my family but others as well. I was looking at aletore family's clan page and most of the comments are from the santorini family, the things your family said on that clan page basically told me that you guys are just looking for problems. If you make someone angry their top goal is to beat you. The aletore may not be much now but they could grow and when they do they will go after you.
I never said fuck your family was OOC. I said every thing else was, you need more than 1 reason for war. And you were bragging first if we may had insulted you but not bragged first on how are clan is. And were allies with the Aletore family look at the Santorini clan page at Allies. And all those things my clan members said to the Aletore was before are alliance.

May we get off this topic please.
Look at their clan page it says you are in a war with then.

I have another reason elhitman told me that a group of your people came into our hotel and shot him.
Were not in war with the Aletore there are allies. Also get your war reason aproved by an admin and I am not starting a war with you anyway in till your done with your ban.
(03-06-2013, 01:22 PM)Bloodz_Bro Wrote: Were not in war with the Aletore there are allies. Also get your war reason aproved by an admin and I am not starting a war with you anyway in till your done with your ban.

I don' need to be on to command my men. Why did you guys kill us in our hotel?
I already know the story but I need to hear your side.
Right i'll answer it as i was the man who did the killing!. We were clan RP'ing as Santorini and noticed "the Lucchese hotel" so we went in to talk and see if we could arrange something (not sure what bloodz wanted, myaybe no trouble?) and we walked in looking around and we spoke to a lucchese (elhitman i believe) and then one of your men told us to leave so we said "we refuse" and he took his MP5 out and reloaded it, he aimed it at bloodz and as we were leaving he stopped pointing it so i took my chance pulled out my AK as instructed and saved my underbosses' life!.

All of that's IC btw Tounge


That may be partially wrong as i can't remember it 100% but that's the base of it anyway Tounge
Ill say what happen when we entered the Luchhese Inn we were looking for no trouble. In till a Lucchese member ordered us out so we refused. Then he takes out an mp5 and aims it at my face. And my men (Brian) came out with an ak47 and killed the Lucchese man, saving my life
This is an OCC (Like the rest of my Comments)

I am not Insulting your Clan in IC. I am just saying that you are acting Co*cky making out that your Clan is better then everyone else's. IF you want to start a war, you can't because you're Banned? So we can't kill you anyway. If you want to start a Flame war, ill invite you do a OCC Steam chat and we can sort this out. And if you want to start a war, that's fine. but you don't have a reason to do so. Which would get you a nice Perm Ban.

Good Luck in the Future. Start a war with Real Allied Clans.

Corie The Nub.

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