~The Santorini Family~ [Unofficial][HIRING]

I would like to point out. No-one but me, can kick or ban players from the clan. you have a problem you talk to the Underboss. if he thinks he can deal with it, let him. if he can't and believes the member needs to be kicked, he will bring it to my desk. and matters will go from there.

Signed Don
** A letter is given to the Don **

Hello cosimo, i would just like to thank you for helping me in these hard times, i'm sure you know who i am, but i'm not going to sign this letter. I thank you or pointing out that the consiglieres don't handle the matter.

Thank you

Today most of are members were on V2d with me and Corie family RPing, that was very great, and fun what made me happy about it is that we had not scheduled clan RP and most of us joined. Thank you.
I would like the thank the don for promoting me to Caporegime Smile
** A letter is given to the Don by his Conigliere **

OOC information:

How many hours do you have on the server? 67 Hours in 1,5 weeks. and will grow much more.

How many bans do you have, and how many of them are over a week? I Have No Bans and im proud with it :p

Steam Name? Johnny*

What is your SteamID? STEAM_0:1:49327406

What is your age? 18

How many RP points do you have? None of them. I Just new :p but im a quicklearner so i think i will have ASAP.

Share some of your RP experiences with us! So Sadly None of them Sad But i'll like to have! Tounge

In Character information:

Full name, date and place of birth: Johnny 'C' Tatzio. Born In USA At 1981.

Why do you want to join the Santorini family? I Like the atmopshere here. I Like the ranks , story and the jobs of Santoriny Family. Very Fit With Me!

What can you bring to the Santorini family? Well , I Will try to help about black market jobs.

What rank are you applying for? Soldier

Do you know what happens to traitors? A Bad thing Tounge
Well Johnny you don't fit all the requirements. The requirement your missing is 100 RP hours but I think could let you in. Though there would be no promotions in till you reach 100 hours. Also do you own a suit? I think we could let you join me and the Don will talk.
(03-04-2013, 12:40 PM)Bloodz_Bro Wrote: Well Johnny you don't fit all the requirements. The requirement your missing is 100 RP hours but we I think could let you in. Though there would be no promotions in till you reach 100 hours. Also do you own a suit? I think we could let you join me and the Don will talk.

Thanks. And yes i have a Dino Rosetto suit.
Ok me and my boss will talk
i'd just like to point out that pretty soon my donator status will run out (in about 27 days) and i'm not sure i'll be able to donate again, so i might not have a suit in 27 days, will this be a problem?
Brian it will be ok and you could buy donor status if you want

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