Can't find or connect
Hi! When i opened GMOD today after i came home from my sister, i couldn't find any CityRP servers(Yours) and whenever there was one, it couldn't connect. It was on the loading screen but after some time it says "Failed after 4 attempts" :/ Can anyone help me, it would be great! Smile
(01-20-2013, 01:16 PM)qu3L Wrote: Hi! When i opened GMOD today after i came home from my sister, i couldn't find any CityRP servers(Yours) and whenever there was one, it couldn't connect. It was on the loading screen but after some time it says "Failed after 4 attempts" :/ Can anyone help me, it would be great! Smile

Same with me dude, cant find the server or connect to it.
Same with me and my brother!!!
It should be fixed now;

I was having this problem and mine seems to have fixed itself, i think there was just a problem with the servers, and they are fine now im assuming!
(01-20-2013, 03:16 PM)Commander Fi5h Wrote: It should be fixed now;

I was having this problem and mine seems to have fixed itself, i think there was just a problem with the servers, and they are fine now im assuming!

Same here, although it's at it again... I was on V2P and afk'd. When I came back I wasn't able to connect to any of the servers even though people on my friend list were on all 3 of them. Also, it says all 3 servers are offline on the hyperlinks signature thingy under the forum toolbar... It's like it blocks certain people for some reason..
It happens ocassionally for me too.
Never had this issue before, and hope I do not get it. If it does occur I hope it is minor and resolvable.

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