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Can't find or connect - Printable Version

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Can't find or connect - Gower - 01-20-2013

Hi! When i opened GMOD today after i came home from my sister, i couldn't find any CityRP servers(Yours) and whenever there was one, it couldn't connect. It was on the loading screen but after some time it says "Failed after 4 attempts" :/ Can anyone help me, it would be great! Smile

RE: Can't find or connect - ixLiamHD - 01-20-2013

(01-20-2013, 01:16 PM)qu3L Wrote: Hi! When i opened GMOD today after i came home from my sister, i couldn't find any CityRP servers(Yours) and whenever there was one, it couldn't connect. It was on the loading screen but after some time it says "Failed after 4 attempts" :/ Can anyone help me, it would be great! Smile

Same with me dude, cant find the server or connect to it.

RE: Can't find or connect - steffangg - 01-20-2013

Same with me and my brother!!!

RE: Can't find or connect - Commander Fi5h - 01-20-2013

It should be fixed now;

I was having this problem and mine seems to have fixed itself, i think there was just a problem with the servers, and they are fine now im assuming!

RE: Can't find or connect - Lamort - 01-20-2013

(01-20-2013, 03:16 PM)Commander Fi5h Wrote: It should be fixed now;

I was having this problem and mine seems to have fixed itself, i think there was just a problem with the servers, and they are fine now im assuming!

Same here, although it's at it again... I was on V2P and afk'd. When I came back I wasn't able to connect to any of the servers even though people on my friend list were on all 3 of them. Also, it says all 3 servers are offline on the hyperlinks signature thingy under the forum toolbar... It's like it blocks certain people for some reason..

RE: Can't find or connect - Narc - 01-20-2013

It happens ocassionally for me too.

RE: Can't find or connect - aviator - 01-21-2013

Never had this issue before, and hope I do not get it. If it does occur I hope it is minor and resolvable.