Actually, that really isn't the problem. Sorry, but you're wrong there. I've been here a long time and still do just as much, but my responsibilities in reality increase and those always come first before the server in my mind - The same was true when I joined, so don't think it's a change.

I know there will always be minges, that is why we have admins, so your point of admins realizing there will be more minges is moot - They already know this, it's why they've become admins. I deal with them just the same as I have always done, as do the rest of the team, but the balance between IRL and server is constantly shifting for various different admins, and due to various drama such as this that people like to kick up, apparently keen on 'helping' the server but really just causing problems all around, I'm having to spend more of my time managing stuff like this on the forums and between communities and the admins.

So no, there isn't just one way forwards. There are many ways, but none of them involve the admin team needing to realise what you said - They already do, that is why they became admins.

Good day sir, I shall return to my workout now.
(04-20-2012, 08:49 PM)Biowulf Wrote:
(04-19-2012, 09:20 PM)Coal Felpz Wrote: Un called for hatred.
Let them live their lives.

Let's say you made something revolutionary. An invention that you have worked on for years, every day in and out, 4 years long. You put hours and hours of hard work, sweat and stress in it.
Then there's your neighbour. Your neighbour is jealous of your invention, thus he starts to create his own invention, almost exactly the same as yours. Later on, your neighbour takes all the credit, fame and money for the invention that he basically stole from you.

How would you feel if this happened? Because this is basically what's happening to FL all the time with these trashcancommunities.

I was following you until you said he takes all the fame and power. Wrong. FL is still very much on top which is why I think it shouldn't be as big of a deal.
Faustie, what I am also trying to say is that the admins is very respectability demanding. The admins gets very angry if you disrespect them, a couple of them even takes time to post it on the forums. Then there is made a whole thread out of it, and a loss of admin activity is already gone there too.

All I am saying is, admins shouldn't demand respect from the players. The players should demand respect from the admins, the admins should act like the mature ones on the servers. The FL staff is probably dealing with tons of people everyday showing disrespect towards them, but it doesn't mean the admin team should start taking it away from them.

In short way: Admins handle a situation very unfair if just a little disrespect shown by the player towards the admin. No matter how disrespectfull a player is against the admin, the admin's job is to not get mad or effected about it. I've seen sometimes admins had a bad day, and then they judge the players a bit unfair, because the admins have been shown disrespect by others.

But yes of course, ban them a day or two more, if the only thing he does is being disrespectful. The thing is, some admins overreact when disrespect is being shown towards them.
Your always going to get people like this, they won't be happy unless everything goes their way, even if it's wrong. We have to deal with these people as they're not going to change over night because we say so. Most of the time I'll join the game and the OOC messages that come up are either weird, wrong or just generally breaking the OOC chat rules. Once I was in-game and the OOC was spammed with "Let me out of this cage I've been taken hostage in the clothes store", that is a prime example of metagaming which everyone obviously knows about besides the new people that join and don't read the rules. It's their problem if they get banned/kicked because they always have a chance to look through the rules.

Now going to a different topic, which is all this stuff about "bad" Admins. Admins are there to make sure that everything is in working order in-game but people don't realise quite how hard the job is for them. Think about it, if your and admin on one of the best and most popular servers out there you have high expectations which I understand, but lets say if there was a full 50/50 people on V33x and there's only 1-2 admins on. They have to keep an eye on 50 people all at once which can be very hard considering there's sadly always some king of rule breaking going on. In my personal opinion, I think the admins at the moment are doing a pretty decent job with controlling people, it's just there never really seems to be many on V33x because they're always on V2d. This can be rather irritating for people as then you get those minges that start spawning massive props and causing havoc. Then they get banned and start saying that it was an "unfair" ban but obviously it wasn't. This is just generally my opinion of what the situation is here at FL.

Also, I've realised that some admins can....take it a bit too far sometimes by acting a bit over the top when the situation at hand is pointed at them.
Just MY opinion.
What about every month all the admin's get degraded to trial (Not SA and owner Ofc.)

And the must prove that they actually bother serving the community.
If you don't do your job, you could be taken away the admin status...
This would make admin's do their job.

It's just a thought
We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.
(04-21-2012, 07:00 AM)Minimacfox1 Wrote: Faustie, what I am also trying to say is that the admins is very respectability demanding. The admins gets very angry if you disrespect them, a couple of them even takes time to post it on the forums. Then there is made a whole thread out of it, and a loss of admin activity is already gone there too.

All I am saying is, admins shouldn't demand respect from the players. The players should demand respect from the admins, the admins should act like the mature ones on the servers. The FL staff is probably dealing with tons of people everyday showing disrespect towards them, but it doesn't mean the admin team should start taking it away from them.

In short way: Admins handle a situation very unfair if just a little disrespect shown by the player towards the admin. No matter how disrespectfull a player is against the admin, the admin's job is to not get mad or effected about it. I've seen sometimes admins had a bad day, and then they judge the players a bit unfair, because the admins have been shown disrespect by others.

But yes of course, ban them a day or two more, if the only thing he does is being disrespectful. The thing is, some admins overreact when disrespect is being shown towards them.

Are you taking the piss ?
Admins should not demand respect from the players.
Keep in mind the admins aren't being payed for their job and even if they were nobody gets payed to get shat on.
Let alone volunteering to be shat on by 13yr olds.

Give respect, get respect.
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LOL s.J I don't think you get the point of this.
I am not shitting on anyone. I have just never heard admins side of the story on such a concept so I made a thread where they could say so.
(04-21-2012, 07:00 AM)Minimacfox1 Wrote: The admins gets very angry if you disrespect them, a couple of them even takes time to post it on the forums. Then there is made a whole thread out of it, and a loss of admin activity is already gone there too.

I think there should be a certain respect from players towards admins. Admins have authority on the server and should be respected for this. They do much work on the server and I really can't stand people acting completely disrespectful opposite admins because they've got some kind of problem which can't be solved by the admin immediately because of a misunderstanding or whatever.

(04-21-2012, 07:00 AM)Minimacfox1 Wrote: All I am saying is, admins shouldn't demand respect from the players. The players should demand respect from the admins, the admins should act like the mature ones on the servers.

We should not demand respect? Well I won't demand it but I do want players having a certain respect opposite me and other staff members, simply because we are the administrating ones on the server and forum. We are authorities here and normally those authorities should be respected.

It's like in a school, consider us as teachers and players as pupils.
Pupils are respecting the teacher because he teaches them things, educates them and helps them. There are some people behaving like pricks opposite the teacher - well they have to live with the consequences of this behavior, they can get expelled or whatever. Same thing here.

I'll put it this way. I try to respect everybody on the same level, some people gain my respect with what they are doing and some people loose it, but even if you lost all my respect I am still going to treat you fair and in a reasonable manner simply because it's the right thing to do.

I can understand admins who get angry opposite players because the players treat them like shit, they call them names, they talk to them in a very disrespectful manner and that's just not the way to behave opposite an authority. We like people to say 'excuse me', 'please' and 'thank you'.
Dare to think!
In all honesty I think you should just let them do there job and just try and work together if you all care so much for FL.

Its threads like this which deter admins from doing their job as A. it hurts moral B. They write massive Replies which takes time.

I am sure if you send your issues to Nudel he can sort your issue with a simple reply.
Nudel is sorting it out, right here Smile
And no admins have been forced to reply.

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