Player Report : [Fl:RP] Blurr
When you were recording me on the forums I didn't know there was a bug since I posted this on this BR - 'I was informed of this bug when I asked a staff member about it after Dr Hibbert told me he was posting a Player Report.' I seriously could hardly hear you and I was asking if I was detained multiple times like a citizen would do in IRL, you only replied say yes you are being detained but this was after the video ended. When you said I was being detained I then exited the bank and you cuffed me.
Don't care, you had a tazer pointed on you. You didn't follow my orders, you broke Fear RP.
Well I though that your tazer was down and that's why I did not respond to you. Video upload is on 78%, will post my tazer video soon.
Why would you think my tazer was down when I told you that it was pointed at you? Your defence isn't making too much sense.
I already said that I was in skype and could hardly hear you at the time.
This is a video that Dr Net helped me with showing that the tazer is
facing the floor even though it isn't and that's why I though I was not breaking
fear rp at all, I think that it is unfair if I get banned since the reason over it would be a bug
and that the bug should be fixed so this doesn't happen again.

User will be banned for one day for breaking FearRP

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