[CLOSED] [Pas/Agr] ION Industries
Requesting Closure:

The reasons are entirely out of character, I simply don't have time anymore. To be fair, for the last couple of months me and Fanump have been the only ones on to keep our name going, and he's now inactive due to a game he purchased that he was waiting many months for, and I'm inactive because I'm doing a lot of work in Minecraft, setting up for a new series for my YouTube channel.

I really enjoyed the reputation we had, and the fact it wouldn't closed sooner or later mean't that I might as well get it over and done with. The reason for it closing sooner or later can be seen above. I'm proud to say that I can add ION Industries to the list of successful clans I have run/been apart of.

I'd like to thank Sharecrow, for leaving us without even so much as to inform me. You know, that's what happened with my last clan too, hit us while we're down. I appreciate it.

[Image: ezgif_com_save.gif] Oh, Ariana. Stop it, you!
Clan declared closed as requested by the creator.

If you ever wish to re-open it, contact me.

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