I cant really believe i got banned for this.
If you would have read the rules, you wouldn't have been banned.
I don't NEED to give warnings, I can and I gave you a warning by dropping but if you then actually want to continue believing I was wrong and you did the correct thing, then it makes no sense argueing with you so I just banned you.

Also your still continueing to believe and saying you were right and I was wrong, it makes no sense talking to you cause whatever I say you don't believe it anyways.
Anywho, you got banned for propbashing your car wich is a bannable offense /end.
-Signature removed-
How is picking me up and dropping me a warning -_- Your like a child.
Also where in the rules does it say , dont propbash your car?

Vehicle Rules
1. Do not run people over with your car on purpose.
2. Only drive on the streets, not on the pavement.
3. Don't park your car on the middle of the street.
4. When your car is stuck, call an admin. You can gently try to move it with a prop.
5. Do not modify cars with props or tools.
6. Do not reconnect to get your stolen car back.
7. Do not build your own car.
8. Do not spam the horn sound.
9. Do not use your car to propblock the street, to propblock your base, or other locations where people have to pass.
10. Don't use the car to kill anyone.
11. When someone is on the road don't run them over on purpose to get by, go around them.
Prop bashing is the same as prop pushing
You call s.J a child and yet you don't realise how flinging your car around the map is both dangerous for other players, and incredibly mingey?
Stop trying to grab straws at how you didn't deserve this ban when you clearly broke a rule.

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