Exception on FearRP rules with new weapons
Treegames: You mis-read what I wrote. I wrote not only for the AWM, so it would apply to all weapons. Besides, pretty much any weapon now can kill with 2-3 headshots.

Rainbowsix hostage extraction tactics
(05-17-2015, 03:14 AM)Faustie Wrote: Treegames: You mis-read what I wrote. I wrote not only for the AWM, so it would apply to all weapons. Besides, pretty much any weapon now can kill with 2-3 headshots.

I see. He comes the issue between gaming and real life. In real life if you shoot someone through the head with a any rifle gun he will be instantly dead as well. Since this is a game and way easier to make a headshot and it will be annoying if you can kill everyone instantly with a headshot (any gun). But if you have to shoot twice or thrices it will still give the hostage taker to hurt the hostage. You can also put this is the FearRP rule. It would be more realistic when it will also apply to other (rifle) guns. Debatable though..
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We can't make the rule too complex. It's either none or all, and I think all makes a lot more sense. We shouldn't punish police/SRU for trying to do their jobs when negotiations fail.
(05-17-2015, 10:28 AM)Faustie Wrote: We can't make the rule too complex. It's either none or all, and I think all makes a lot more sense. We shouldn't punish police/SRU for trying to do their jobs when negotiations fail.

And again I agree.
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There is no reason for Fear RP breakage. If a hostage is at gunpoint why would you take the risk in getting his head blown off. A simple negotiation and after situation arrest works just fine. This'll jsut lead to confusion and people breaking Fear RP all the time.

May as well move this to done now; the new rules allow police/SRU to attempt hostage rescue, or to be more precise, they don't disallow it.

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