Skyrim DLC - Hearthfire
my computer is nearly 5 years old according to Skyrim's limits it shouldn't run Skyrim at all but it runs Vanilla Skyrim perfectly. And no my computer didn't cost 1000 dollars at all , though i need a new computer xD
Yh, bit of a slip up. My computer is actually quite good, being able to run Skyrim on the highest settings according to a system requirements website and cost less than £1000. I'm probably a bit wasteful as I only really use my PC for GMod and haven't touched my xbox for months despite having used it for 2 years non-stop.
You really seemed to miss my point. I don't care if you prefer your precious mods to our DLC.
Really, I actually couldn't care less. However your posts claiming that they were much better (which of course they are, I agree in that) was totally out of context. They didn't benefit anything else than degrade us as console players.

This was a topic for the players who can use it for something. If you can't use it, then leave it.
I only made this thread to inform the players who would benefit from it. Fair enough that you don't like it and fair enough you have alternatives. Just don't try to force it down our throats with posts like:

"Aw man, if you've got a PC that can just run Skyrim on medium or low, get it, get it, get it, get it!"

"Returning to the console version saddens me even more, as they have no mods, and mods are just magic."

This had absolutely nothing to do with my original post. You were only stating a personal opinion which would possibly only make us feel bad as console players.

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