Koopra18 | TedExperte5
Reported User(s): Koopra18 | TedExperte5

Reported User's SteamID: Did not get their steamid

Date & Time (GMT): 12/03/2022 @ 13:45 GMT

Summary of the incident
Came into my house without a warrant, told them to get out did not do what requested, after getting into my house they asked for a warrant


Under investigation.
[Image: H9hqjyZ.png]
Report reviewed and approved.

Closing notes:
Evidence was deemed sufficient, as accused players were found violating rules regarding not having a search warrant (6.7).
Blacklist will be applied for two hours from Police Officer access.

Koopra18 (STEAM_0:1:110694918) is an accused player in this report. They have previous blacklists consistent with RDM and prop minging with 67 hours recorded. It appeared during the videos provided that attempts have been made to roleplay from their perspective, however, they ought to know the rules regarding search warrants by now and will receive a blacklist.

TeeExperte5 (STEAM_0:0:182213035) is an accused player in this report. They have previous blacklists for teamkilling as a Police Officer and prop minging with 22 hours recorded. It appeared during the videos provided that TeeExperte5 was following the lead of Koopra18. Given their lower server-time and lower ban/blacklist history, no further action will be taken regarding TeeExperte5.

[FL:T] Nacreas
Server Administrative Team
[Image: H9hqjyZ.png]

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