Steam Name: Beefy_Sheep

SteamID:  STEAM_0:0:68501454

BanID: 84822

Ban Reason
Molotoving the event

Staff Member: Pollox

Involved users

Why should you be unbanned?
I was in the event taking place,
we was defending against Aliens and a striker deployed and was taking ages to kill so i threw a Molotov at it to try help us all , however i got lag and it went slightly to the right and into a easy to spawn building dupe which destroyed it obvs , as the fire kept burning at place that it hit when he tried to respawn the dupe it kept burning down he must have got annoyed and just banned me (was not told i couldnt use molotovs ) , i feel this is unfair as I would not purposely do this in an ruin an event , I helped build the last one we did !

I was at the event and obviously witnessed it and everyone else did but, it was taking so long to kill and i feel that the ban is a bit unfair as we were doing anything we could to kill it and I don't think it was intentional
Hey Beefy_Sheep

We banned you for using a molotov in the event which burned part of the dupe. Players were advised not to use anything from their inventory (especially Molotovs) and we already had incidents involving molotovs a bit before you threw yours. You were banned because we said the next one to do so would be after the previous incident. As I'm not sure if you were around when everyone was warned, I'm happy for the ban to be lifted. Please don't do it again though and respect the rules of the event, especially with Molotovs as they can very easily ruin it.
Fearless Management
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