Suicide yourself
Steam Name: Suicide yourself

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:79431150

BanID: 82012

Ban Reason
Double Account (STEAM_0:0:487458337)

Staff Member: Joe Joe Binks

Involved users
Unable to remember such details

Why should you be unbanned?
Your name: Suicide yourself

Your ban ID: 82012

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:79431150

Reason: Double Account (STEAM_0:0:487458337)

Staff member who banned you: [FL] Joe Joe

Reason why you should be unbanned:

I would like to begin as most of these UBRs do by apologising for my behaviour that led to this subsequent ban. I completely understand what I had done wrong and sincerely sorry for my actions. 

After my initial ban, I retaliated by join the server with a family shared account under my normal name. I didn't cause any trouble on these accounts. I didn't break any game rules while online, I just did what I normally did and played music, walked around and spoke to people.  The exact reasoning for my actions I am unsure of, but I take full responsibility for it. 
I would like to have to opportunity to pop by every so often to contribute and add value. I have no intention to mess around or cause mischief such I don't on the other servers I play on. 

I have put any gripes I might have had with anybody aside and would like to start fresh. 

"DA (main accounts are eligable for being lifted, alt accounts are not)" - From today's announcement (Ban's lifted)
Finn Conlon 

 +Rep me Here
Approved based on the recent ban lift policies.

Welcome back!


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