-GIS- Lethalblade Ban Request
Name of player: -GIS- Lethalblade

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:29434657

Time in GMT:

Server: rp_EvoCity v2d

Summary: He was trying to hit the white car with his car but he couldnt so he prop pushed his car to hope to hit him.

Evidence:: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561...tab=public
MY reason for this is that the blue car was constantly trying to cdm me and attempting to kill me using his car there were no admins present ... and no admins at contact... so i did was was right and pushed him out of the way of contantly trying to kill me when im trying to roleplay i know it was wrong but this was a case of cdm / nlr for him doing it multipal times and im sorry for any inconvinence this caused.
I did not hit the white car or try to hit it...
Ban request approved.

Player will be banned for a week for proppushing. If somebody is breaking the rules by CDMing or anything please report it to us here instead of doing something else.
Dare to think!

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