put a timer on suicide if injured
Title of Suggestion: put a timer on suicide if injured

add a 1 1/2 mins to 2 mins timer before allowed to suicide

because too many people do it to get out of being arrest
e.g: car chase > guy gets injured > cops slap cuff on his injured body > guy suicided before CPR
[Image: zypxjb7.jpg]


1min sounds great. I think 2min is a little bit too much.

Fearless Donator
   [Image: uickTS0.png] +Rep

Would prevent people from killing themselves to get out of RP situations quite well.
Where am I?
-Support, its more funny to neck it just to get away from cops.

Great idea
[Image: 8TTYBHM.png]
[Image: ETQjSgL.jpg]
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