Rainbow Dash Offensive Language
Name of player: [FL:RP] Rainbow Dash

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:34955263

Time in GMT: 6:00 PM GMT

Server: v33x

Summary: He used an illegal word

Evidence: [Image: f0PF]
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Read wrong
His just ddosed the server he admited it and the pings has spiked i have evidence coming up
[Image: headster-fade-1.gif]
Server Hours: 450
RP Points: 9

(01-29-2012, 07:41 PM)Headster Wrote: His just ddosed the server he admited it and the pings has spiked i have evidence coming up

This is true.
I was there, And he did say it, Although i have seen many people say it and much worst.
[Image: Force_Ghost_Signature2.jpg]
im here Cheese but i dont remember when i said that. also i dont see why it would even be an illegal word because if you dont like gay people idk. i guess the admins arent american? anyways i dont hate gay people. where i live people use that word for everything if i get mad i say that its a habbit just dont blame me.

Edit: Wait thats not me lol im rainbow dash is cool. fail -_-
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(01-30-2012, 12:48 PM)NiT GriT Wrote: Since everyone else and their mom who saw it is posting and not adding much else to the thread.. Figured I'd clarify that it is indeed bannable, many people have been banned before for it. It's a hate word against homosexuals, it's just as offensive to a homosexual as the N word is to an african american.

a guy i know is gay and he doesnt care.

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