(01-23-2012, 08:38 PM)ZeroSupport Wrote: First: I did not throw molotovs. I joined while the city was in "raid mode".
So I decided to ask a group of people running into the Nexus what was going on, and they explained me that the city was a mayhem and it's the president's fault. So I joined the group and the whole group took down the president. I took that spot and immediately recieved reports of two SS agents being "fail", shooting randomly at people and stuff like this.

I demoted them and told the group to take these spots because I know that most of the people in that group were good at being SS.

I did not demote anybody else, I don't know why that Commander wasn't Commander anymore. The only two people I demoted were SS agents (with pretty high kill count) for being "fail SS".

Basically, you two guys are just raging that you got kicked out of your job and won't even accept why.

Also, if you post screens, make sure they can be actually used as evidence. Quality counts, not quantity.

Nope. The thing is that you took a pm, radio ,etc and demoted us without any proof whatsoever except their word for it. You didnt even question us for our side of the story. Dont bring that BS up about my high kill count. That was NLR'ing rebels when the city was in as you say "Raid mode". Also the person who you made head of SS (Which was done by demoting Sraxos) also had a kill count of 10+ so that therefore makes your argument invalid. Also when we asked for a reason to why we got demoted you replied with "failrp". When we asked for a more specfic answer you responed that you got calls of fail rp. After about 5 minutes you pulled a horrible excuse which i have screenshoted that we had our guns free. Well it was lowered and sometimes when the nexus is being molotoved it is allowed to put you weapon up.

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RE: BAN REQUEST ZERO SUPPORT - EPIC fail mayor. - by DJ_slapaho - 01-23-2012, 08:52 PM

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