Steam Name: JoshZ

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:57372971

BlacklistID(s): 101055

Blacklist Reason
Fear RP

Staff Member: [FL] Divey

Involved users

Why should you be unblacklisted?
Once again, it is going to be similar to my last un-blacklist request. This was once again a mistake that I made on my part. I have stated multiple times how I didn't hear Sebasti161 at the time that the incidence went down. I simply don't have an intrest in FL without being able to roleplay with my mates.

I have seen a few other users getting un-banned from the server to I only feel as if I should make one.

Once again I'm sorry. It was just a mistake
Staff must either conclude or ask for further information within 10 days of the initial unblacklist request post (OP). If not - unblacklist request is approved and blacklist removed from your record. Within this time, staff are expected to review the case, contact anyone involved and begin the investigation. If the information provided within the unblacklist request is sufficient, the case can be decided upon. If further input is needed from the player, the staff member investigating the case must ask for further information.
6a. Staff must either conclude or ask for further information within 10 days of the initial unblacklist request post (OP). If not - unblacklist request is approved and blacklist removed from your record.


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