Your name: [FL:RP] RoCKy

Your SteamID: 

Your ban ID: 81576

Banned by: Ghostkiller

Reason: NLR

Involved: Me

Why we should unban you:
Hello Staff Members!
Its right that died in the jails-raid but after i respawned i just got my weapons and looked a bit if they are still there. (My mom called me on my phone) i dont care if you trust me or not but that happened and while i was speaking with my mum i got banned. I know that i have to leave the area and i also would. i just wanted to look. I also told an officer that he can fight against the People down there. Thats not against the rules. Because he was just standing up there and wouldnt go down. And i dont really see the reason for that Long ban-time. 

I hope Ghostkiller can answer.
[Image: WbmV7IO.mp4]

You died then ran STRAIGHT back to the jails, got equipped then ran half way down the hallway to the jails and stated to speaking to a cop about the raid.

You're under NLR, firstly you shouldn't have even gone to the arms locker and secondly you shouldn't have gone anywhere near that ramp to jails.

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