Report: Ali
Name of player: Ali

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:51507582

Time in GMT: Around 2am ( +8 GMT - My time )

Server: v4b1

Summary: Jessica and me doing PassiveRP which its a small event with few contestant take parts on our event, also we hiring few security for secure our event. Ali came to our PassiveRP event and pull out his gun and start shot one of our Contestant and killed him, me and one of another friend try to talk to him but he being aggressive in our PassiveRP.. Later our security ( @"Aspire" ) came and point a gun on him ask him to leave the area but Ali still running and shooting ( Which FearRP ) and try to kill few people there.. Also in this video he say that "someone point a gun on him thats why he put the person down", thats clearly FearRP when he pull out the gun under someone gun point. I hope who ever involve will bring their evidence.. Thank You..


[Image: jJtX9nT.png]
Thanks To MaxEvan For This Cute Signature Again!! 
Player report approved.

Ali will receive a 3 day ban for FearRP Breakage & FailRP.

Many Thanks,

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