Report Stefkuh
Name of player: Stefkuh

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:167907203

Time in GMT: 11:00

Server: v4b1

Summary: after we conflicted him that he random raided us, he got a bit toxic in ooc and wrote this.

Can you please re-upload to a more known website to host the images/videos for security reasons

If not altered this report will be denied in 24 hours.

Thank you.
(11-01-2018, 09:48 AM)GHOSTK1LL3R Wrote: Can you please re-upload to a more known website to host the images/videos for security reasons

If not altered this report will be denied in 24 hours.

Thank you.

This is in no way worthy of any form of punishment and wouldn't be considered toxic to the point of punishment.

In future please make sure to upload to Imgur/gyazo.


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