Player Report - Lewwings
Name of player: Lewings


Time in GMT: Like 5pm

Server: N/A

Summary: Constantly disrespecting me OOC

2 of these screenshots are to prove its him
(Stop getting slaty over a game)
#2 - Was said over a private Discord Message, not covered by the FL ruleset, what I say there is not under any form of the FL rules or services, FL does not administrate DMs. - I don't understand what this is? - Ok, this one is under the FL services and rules. I personally think you are dumb or at least act dumb after how you have acted oblivious to obvious rulebreaks on your own end, it's either stupidity or ignorance. Also, personally, you seem to be too proud of making PRs, and come of as a dick, hence the comment. Calling you a cancer cell is the only place where I went wrong and too far. - No explanation required.
[Image: jUcv1hb.png]
You're so pathetic Cro :^)
[Image: HmlcOJz.png]
ROFL dont post on PR's you arnt involved in
(10-07-2018, 08:07 PM)£10 Cro Wrote: ROFL dont post on PR's you arnt involved in

As a member of the discord I am a witness and hence involved :^^^^)
[Image: HmlcOJz.png]

Lewwings shouldn't have made those comments on your profile however they are to small and petty to issue a punishment for.
Joe Joe
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