£10 Cro Unban Appeal
Your name: £10 Cro

Your SteamID:
Your ban ID:81160

Banned by: [FL] Awestruck

Reason: Reconnecting to avoid me/CDM

Involved: Just me

Why should you be unbanned: I rammed a car causing someone to get hit by it. Awestruck removed my car and continued with RP. A minute or so passed, I was lagging so I just re-connected to try and fix it. I was banned during the reconnecting.  https://plays.tv/video/5b915c98e1bab992d...iding-u-m8
Involved as I was there, it seemed to me as a simple accidental crash which awestruck then used his admin gun or whatever it is to freeze Cro then delete his car and it seemed like his PC disconnected. I would believe his story about his game lagging since early in the day he had told me when I had a gun on him that he isn't ignoring me its just his game keeps stuttering like crazy.
Can I see the part of the video where I deleted your vehicle and onwards?
Kind Regards,

[Image: nw3ghiD.gif]
Here you go Ghttps://plays.tv/video/5b917beee33afdea99/thnaks-for-letting-me-go-i-guess
Ok. I want you to understand that once I had finished speaking with 'ChocolateEdible', I was going to have a chat with you.

It's clear from the video that you ran away to get away from me, although I will take your word for the reconnecting part. I will unban you, but I do not appreciate you running away.
Kind Regards,

[Image: nw3ghiD.gif]
My G I clearly said "Oh he let me go" Also a recconect wont cahnge anything I will be on the server in like another 30sec. So you can punish me then
Yes, but you were not let go.

Kind Regards,

[Image: nw3ghiD.gif]

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