Report: DaanBaanan
Name of player: DaanBanaan

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:127803302

Time in GMT: ‎28 ‎August ‎2018, ‏‎20:38:36 and second video at ‏‎28 ‎August ‎2018, 20:44:18

Server: v4b1

Summary: FearRP and CDM, first time seemed intentional although he exclaimed lag, so i gave him benefit of doubt but then he proves it was infact intentional by running over someone im arresting later, this made me beleive first fearRP and CDM was also intentional 

[Image: high-5.png]

User guilty of FearRP and CDM, as for the second incident of CDM it did look like the server was lagging a lot on your recording and Rushi also was complaining of lag so I don't think that was intentional.

However, the user will receive a ban for the FearRP breakage and a vehicles blacklist for the first incident of CDM.
NOT AN Administrator
[Image: tgRQtsH.png]

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