Report: BlackHappyMonke
Name of player: BlackHappyMonke

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:91902731

Time in GMT: 1210

Server: v4b1

Summary: BlackHappyMonke became a cop to free his friend nigga123. The video starts off by showing him becoming a cop as soon as he was jailed to come to the jails and attempt to free him there, by inciting there was a prison break. I clip the rest out as its not relevant as the rule breakage didnt happen until the second clip. In the second clip you can clearly see him unarrest nigga123 and then leave the cop role.

There was no evidence of an IC relationship being formed since his sole purpose of becoming a cop was to free him, they are in the same clan and it is not the first time nigga123 has got people to do this for him.


Spoiler :
[Image: 2WyFvUG.jpg]

User admitted to this in pm
Player report approved. Monke will receive a two hour blacklist from police officer for Metagaming & FailRP.

Many Thanks,

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