Report - CrunchyLd , MexicanBro
Name of players: CrunchyLd and MexicanBro

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:447081640 and STEAM_0:0:58356936

Time in GMT: Around 16:30 GMT +2

Server: v4b1

Summary: So i was walking to the factory, when i noticed 2 mechanics laughing around at a dead body (probably the taxi owner) i went to them and they pulled their guns on me, Mexican started robbing me (as mechanics) and when i confronted them about robbing as mechanics, Crunchy got into his car and cdmed his friend, leaving him on the ground.


P.S nothing against you guys, i tried to be nice about it, you wanted it this way.
Player report approved. Both users will receive a two hour weapons blacklist & Crunchy will receive an additional two hour vehicles blacklist.

Many Thanks,

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