PR De Gluurbuur
Name of player: De Gluurbuur


Time in GMT: around 16:30 gmt +1 (Amsterdam Timezone)

Server: V2D

Summary: Calling me a "kanker nerd" with out a reason (means cancer nerd). 

Evidence: There was a Dutch conversation between me and "De gluurbuur", told him to keep up this reputation, but he called me out as a Cancer Nerd.
As it was in my own language it is clear that it was OOC.
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:1:64613336&b=12]
--| Approved |--

What De Gluurbuur said was a violation by insulting a player however in this instance he will only recieve a warning for his actions.
Joe Joe
Fearless Teacher Admin Clan Officer Admin Event Manager Clan Officer Veteran Admin Event Manager Veteran Management Veteran

[Image: OMVm0Um.png]
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