Report: jerryseatonjs Scamming
Name of player: jerryseatonjs

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:431121139

Time in GMT: 10 ‎June ‎2018, ‏‎22:29:04 - 5:39 (Scam took place)

Server: V5P

Summary: When I spin the wheel and everyone loses I be leave the rebel stole 2 stacks of money from the table (I didn't notice it at the time as lots of people were talking) In the video you can see 6 stacks of money on the table and only 4 notifications comes up when i pick up the money. After hes done stealing the money. He walks away. The tab menu is taken from the video. Id also like to request the money he stole to be refunded back to me.

[Image: giphy.gif]
A log check for this time shows he in-fact stole Rudy's bet of $5000 and his own bet of $400 too.
User will be banned for stealing items/money during a transaction.
I will request an admin to refund you with the total of $5400 that was taken.

Thank you for your report.
[Image: xTRvpSf.png]
[Image: tgRQtsH.png]

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