Player Report: Spardus
Name of player: Spardus

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:85004893

Time in GMT: 10:40pm

Server: v5p

Summary: He did prop pushing with a ball.Then he came back at the place that he were before and tried to prop pushed with the same ball but he died.Then he came back again.(I didn't record the second prop pushed but i took some photos)

Evidence: Photo:
Kind Regards,
Fearless Donator
[Image: bEralVi.png]
Feel free to +Rep me here
Hi Felton.

I was wondering if you have any extra footage of him actually pushing things around with the ball at all?

No i don't have anything else unfortunatelly.But you can go and see my other report for two other players that he was vice president and proppushed again. ( 4:20 )

Edit:You can also read the chat and see that they told me that Spardus was the guy that proppushed.
Kind Regards,
Fearless Donator
[Image: bEralVi.png]
Feel free to +Rep me here

User has already been punished by [FL:T] Willem de Walrus in game. Thank you for your report though, we appreciate you trying to keep the server's clean! Keep up the good work.


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