Report: sebasti161 and charles crawford
Name of player: sebasti161  , charles crawford (cityrp name. couldn't find his steam id)

charles crawford (cityrp name. couldn't find his steam id)

Time in GMT: approximately: 17:45 GMT

Server: CITYRP

Summary: so let's start with charles crawford, this guy rdm my friend and called him a jew and some another racist words.
sebasti161, was arresting me for no vaild reason, i had a gun license from the president (don't remeber his name), and this guy dosen't listen and just laugh and arrest me before even talk to the president.
my work was security guard of the stage.

hope you guys will ban this two guys for racism, rdm, break the rules.

Messages In This Thread
Report: sebasti161 and charles crawford - by michaelelitzur - 05-10-2018, 06:13 PM

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