UBR: GamingOfficialZZ
Your name:GamingOfficialZZ

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:39360696

Your ban ID: 80033

Banned by: [FL] Random

Reason:BRA (86345) - Blatant FearRP

Involved: Wolven and myself

Why we should unban you: Please watch the video, as the door opened i shot the man in question as he gave no orders nor did he say that the cop was a hostage. I would also like to refer to the rule of fearrp and how I never broke it. The video shows that he made no attempt to tell me he had a hostage. I dont see how i broke fearrp if it was never active.

3.5 You must follow FearRP by acting afraid of threatening situations that affect your own or accomplices' lives. To initiate FearRP have a weapon out and give out orders (text or voice). 
[Image: giphy.gif]
Hello GamingOfficialZZ.

Wolven clearly gave orders to the officer in the Nexus Garage.

Let me quote.

''Let me in, let me in, let me in, let me in, let me in, let me in, let me in, let me in.'' Are these not clear orders given through voice communication?
[Image: CYCeH3i.png]
Let me in? How does that tell me hes a hostage?
[Image: giphy.gif]
The rule I claim you are breaking is: 3.5 ''You must follow FearRP by acting afraid of threatening situations that affect your own or accomplices' lives. To initiate FearRP have a weapon out and give out orders (text or voice). ''

FearRP had been initiated and I am almost certain that you was able to both see and hear Wolven before shooting him. You should have been able to see that the cop was in fact in danger. When you shot him, you broke the rule that is stated above. Unfortunatley I will not approve this UBR today.

[Image: CYCeH3i.png]

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