Sirminus forum unban
Your name: Sirminus

Your SteamID: 

Your ban ID: Forum ban

Banned by: 

Reason: All it says is I was banned, I can only speculate on what it was that actually caused the ban due to multiple things happening in that time frame.


Why we should unban you: If it was something I did then I thoroughly apologize and if it is for what I think it is (a kiddo from my old high school spamming pics of me on the forums and claiming he was me back in late 2016 and abusing not only people I disliked but friends of mine who I knew in real life and on the server) then I also apologize for making the mistake of introducing such a toxic person (whom I have since abandoned completely and removed from my friend circle) to the server. I hope this ban can be overturned and I can return to the server in 7 months with a completely clean slate and the opportunity to not only interact with people in-game but also over the forums. Cheers.
señor de los anillos de plata
shitposter a nivel subatómico

Imagen de firma eliminada (demasiado grande) - DVN
Think the ban was for supposed double-accounting because of him claiming I was on that account insulting people. Ranger also mentioned how it wasn't me doing this bullshit lower down in the thread. Hope this gets resolved soon
señor de los anillos de plata
shitposter a nivel subatómico

Imagen de firma eliminada (demasiado grande) - DVN
its been 10 days
señor de los anillos de plata
shitposter a nivel subatómico

Imagen de firma eliminada (demasiado grande) - DVN

UBR rule 6.

Lucky boy.
[Image: tgRQtsH.png]

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