Player Report <suchti>
Name of player: suchti

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:425306669

Time in GMT: Last Week

Server: V5P

Summary: I heard contraband from his apartment, so I went to raid him. After coming upstairs, he walked out and I pointed a gun at him, telling him to open the door again. He then broke FearRP and just ran away, even though I pointed a pistol at him from a close distance. I sadly did not get this on the shadowplay footage...

Anyways, after killing him, he clearly comes back armed instantly ready to kill me. Breaking NLR. 

My reason for the late PR is that someone else said they would post a PR on this guy, and he saw him break NLR multiple times trying to kill me along with FearRP.

After he broke NLR, and that officer killed him. We then walked outside, and he came back with an MP5 again, and that's when the officer said he would post a PR on him, and that's why I have waited to post this. He never posted the PR as he said, so I'm doing it today.

Kind Regards,
Fearless Donator

[Image: 1b8527feff49f5ae2ffa1203ea9562ad62d97b65.gifv]
My shadowplay records 5 minutes back, and sadly the event of him breaking FearRP was a few minutes before, so I cannot show that, and it's not included in the evidence.

The user that said they would post a PR is Passionfruit, so if you're viewing this thread and still have the evidence, post it.

Kind Regards,
Fearless Donator

[Image: 1b8527feff49f5ae2ffa1203ea9562ad62d97b65.gifv]
User punished accordingly,


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