Player Report: CerillionMyst
Name of player: CerillionMyst

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:72806772

Time in GMT: 20:50

Server: V5P

Summary: Guy was being hostaged, ignored everything and tazed the one who he was told to un-handcuff. He then proceeded to arrest him

Community Retard
Was I annoying? REP me
[Image: tnatDq3.jpg]
- Involved -

Yea it's true just what happened. I was taken to hostage first but later got released. They started to take several hostage but this officer refused to listen. I guess we can also see that he broke FearRP here aswell.
[Image: clvck9d.png]
Kind Regards,

[Image: nw3ghiD.gif]

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