Report: SnowBay
Name of player: SnowBay


Time in GMT: Around 12:35 GMT

Server: V5P

Summary: I was standing on shopping street as a Chef when there wasnt a lot of people on the server, then 2 officers come and start opening fire on people doing nothing. They get killed by an armed victim who was defending himself, then, as my video shows, they come again, breaking NLR, and start opening fire on me, they also shot another person who was armed and shot back. Then after driving away and staying low for a few minutes I drive back towards mainstreet and get instantly killed by SnowBay due to me being low health from the last time.

Evidence: Here i only have the first RDM and the second RDM, not their NLR breakage after they were killed the first time. (You cant see the name of the person who kills me in either of the 2 situations, but in the last one, as shown in the image below, you can see it through his ingame name when he handcuffs my friend) (you can see his IC name after he kills me as he handcuffs my friend)
They did indeed RDM as officer, but the video doesn't show their names unfortunately.
As for the second clip, two officers were running towards the car, so it's not clear if it was SnowBay who shot you or the other one, as the clip only shows the person who handcuffed your friend, which again could be either one of the cops.
So it's not shown weather it was SnowBay or Revvyy doing the RDM/taking part in it.

Do you happen to have any evidence with their names showing or anyone else who recorded that?
[Image: 8TTYBHM.png]
Unfortunately, those were the only two situations of the attacks that I got recorded. So I don't have the sufficient evidence to prove which one of them was the offender. Though as SelfGamer mentioned, the other officer was also involved in the RDMing.

The report has been sitting here for a week (My fault), without the sufficient evidence that the players in the video was them.
Also no other users came forth with any additional evidence.
[Image: 8TTYBHM.png]

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