Player Report: [FL:RP] Julern
Name of player: [FL:RP] Julern

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:146617242

Time in GMT: No clue

Server: V5P

Was going to pull them out of a car as we had seen weaponry on the woman (Julern), he decided to drive away under gun point, I fired one bullet as a warning shot, she got out of the car and pulled a gun whilst I had a weapon to him as per shown in the video, and boom, he ded.


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Community Retard
Was I annoying? REP me
[Image: tnatDq3.jpg]
Player report reviewed and approved

This will be the 5th FearRP ban on the user's record, and therefore the user will receive a 1 month ban.

Thanks for your report,
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