Report - Laurinwookie - 15 pls
Name of player: Laurinwookie [Lampenschrauber]

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:77427138

Time in GMT: 22.09 to 6.10.2017

Server: v5p

Summary: watch video, he breaks fear rp, baits police, punchwhores, baits police, trolls and is just general minge. He needs a quick ban because this can't go on any longer or my morning coffee wont taste the same

--| Accepted |--

Player ID Laurinwookie (STEAM_0:1:77427138) has been found guilty of breaking FearRP on numerous occasions as well as forms of Baiting the Government Forces. The player will be punished.
Joe Joe
Fearless Teacher Admin Clan Officer Admin Event Manager Clan Officer Veteran Admin Event Manager Veteran Management Veteran

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Thanks to Envy for the signature.

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